I think it’s a hardware limitation issue. I’m running 4.13.3 just fine on an HA “Blue” - ODROID N2+.
There are two pending pull requests - one to revert 4.13.3 and one to fix the performance issue:
Summary of the CPU Issue and Solution
The implementation with parallel loading of Alexa components caused high CPU usage. Multiple components were loaded simultaneously, which overwhelmed the system due to the concurrent resource-heavy operations.
Serial Loading: I addressed the CPU problem by serializing the loading process. This means components are now loaded one after the other instead of all at once, reducing the CPU load.
Condition with entry_setup: I reintroduced the check for if not entry_setup. This ensures that we only initialize components if they are not already set up, preventing redundant operations. For components already initialized, the same async_forward_entry_setup method is called to reload them.
By loading components sequentially and ensuring that unnecessary setups are skipped, we significantly reduce the CPU load while maintaining efficient processing of new Alexa clients.