I pay for nabucasa and i am having an issue with Alexa discovering new devices added to home assistant. home assistant says that the items are exposed to Alexa but when i go to devices they do not show up
Have you tried restarting HA? Sometimes when I add something new it takes a reboot to get it to show up in Alexa.
Have you tried forcing a sync with the Sync Entities button?
I have. It has not fixed it at all
I have rebooted. It still has not updated. Thanks
Hi, I have a similar issue. In my case entities which does not appear in Alexa app. are:
- media_player
- script
They are visible in Home Assistant configuration cloud tab as exposed to Alexa, but unfortunatelly not visible in app.
The ones that works so far are:
- light
- switch
When I am changing a name of any lightm it is updated in Alexa app. That means that discovering works but not for every type of entity …
Any ideas?
Can you post the full list of attributes for the entities that are not showing up in discovery?
Even better, enable debugging.
add to configuration.yaml
default: info
homeassistant.components.alexa: debug
hass_nabucasa.iot: debug
Try discovery devices. Then load the full HA log, and find the Discovery Response, and paste it here.
Hi, my configuration changed a little bit since I posted, but issue is the same.
Below my ‘cloud.yaml’
- switch.tv_control
- light.bathroom_light
- light.bathroom_shower_light
- light.kitchen_light
- light.kitchen_backlight
- light.salon_light
- light.salon_backlight
- light.bedroom_light
- light.bedroom_backlight_l
- light.bedroom_backlight_r
- media_player.denon
- script
- media_player
name: TV
description: TV in Living Room
display_categories: TV
name: Bathroom Light
description: Light in Bathroom
display_categories: LIGHT
name: Bathroom Shower Light
description: Shower Light in Bathroom
display_categories: LIGHT
name: Kitchen Light
description: Light in Kitchen
display_categories: LIGHT
name: Kitchen Backlight
description: Backlight in Kitchen
display_categories: LIGHT
name: Living Room Light
description: Light in Living Room
display_categories: LIGHT
name: Living Room Backlight
description: Backlight in Living Room
display_categories: LIGHT
name: Bedroom Light
description: Light in Bedroom
display_categories: LIGHT
name: Bedroom Left Backlight
description: Left Backlight in Bedroom
display_categories: LIGHT
name: Bedroom Right Backlight
description: Right Backlight in Bedroom
display_categories: LIGHT
name: Denon
description: Denon in Living Room
display_categories: MUSIC_SYSTEM
Below my ‘media player’ configuration:
- platform: denonavr
host: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
name: Denon
show_all_sources: true
timeout: 3
- zone: Zone2
name: Denon Zone2
# Use the Python ADB implementation with a user-provided key to setup an
# Android TV device. Provide an app name, override the default turn on/off
# commands, and provide custom state detection rules.
- platform: androidtv
name: Android TV
device_class: androidtv
host: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
adbkey: "/config/android/adbkey"
com.amazon.tv.launcher: "Fire TV"
turn_on_command: "input keyevent 3"
turn_off_command: "input keyevent 223"
- 'standby'
- 'media_session_state'
- 'audio_state'
- 'paused':
'media_session_state': 3 # this indentation is important!
'wake_lock_size': 1 # this indentation is important!
- 'playing':
'media_session_state': 3 # this indentation is important!
- 'standby'
- 'playing':
'wake_lock_size': 4 # this indentation is important!
- 'playing':
'wake_lock_size': 3 # this indentation is important!
- 'paused':
'wake_lock_size': 2 # this indentation is important!
- 'paused':
'wake_lock_size': 1 # this indentation is important!
- 'standby'
and here is 1st part of the log:
2020-02-02 22:57:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.iot] Publishing message:
{'msgid': '1d46754d-3616-48b8-8011-4a6653e1b98d',
'payload': {'event': {'header': {'messageId': '32f6bc7b-dde0-4acb-ba4c-2e5026e8d10e',
'name': 'Discover.Response',
'namespace': 'Alexa.Discovery',
'payloadVersion': '3'},
'payload': {'endpoints': [{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.SceneController',
'supportsDeactivation': False,
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'script.1579958150338 '
'via Home '
'displayCategories': ['ACTIVITY_TRIGGER'],
'endpointId': 'script#1579958150338',
'friendlyName': 'tv_off',
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'TV in Living '
'Room via '
'Home '
'displayCategories': ['TV'],
'endpointId': 'switch#tv_control',
'friendlyName': 'TV',
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.StepSpeaker',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.PlaybackController',
'supportedOperations': ['Next',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.PlaybackStateReporter',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'playbackState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.InputController',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'media_player.android_tv '
'via Home '
'displayCategories': ['TV'],
'endpointId': 'media_player#android_tv',
'friendlyName': 'Android TV',
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'Shower Light '
'in Bathroom '
'via Home '
'displayCategories': ['LIGHT'],
'endpointId': 'light#bathroom_shower_light',
'friendlyName': 'Bathroom '
'Shower '
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'Light in '
'Bedroom via '
'Home '
'displayCategories': ['LIGHT'],
'endpointId': 'light#bedroom_light',
'friendlyName': 'Bedroom '
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'Left '
'Backlight in '
'Bedroom via '
'Home '
'displayCategories': ['LIGHT'],
'endpointId': 'light#bedroom_backlight_l',
'friendlyName': 'Bedroom '
'Left '
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'Backlight in '
'Living Room '
'via Home '
'displayCategories': ['LIGHT'],
'endpointId': 'light#salon_backlight',
'friendlyName': 'Living Room '
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'Right '
'Backlight in '
'Bedroom via '
'Home '
'displayCategories': ['LIGHT'],
'endpointId': 'light#bedroom_backlight_r',
'friendlyName': 'Bedroom '
'Right '
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
I will be gratefull for any tips.
here is 2nd part of the log
'description': 'Light in '
'Living Room '
'via Home '
'displayCategories': ['LIGHT'],
'endpointId': 'light#salon_light',
'friendlyName': 'Living Room '
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'Backlight in '
'Kitchen via '
'Home '
'displayCategories': ['LIGHT'],
'endpointId': 'light#kitchen_backlight',
'friendlyName': 'Kitchen '
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'Light in '
'Kitchen via '
'Home '
'displayCategories': ['LIGHT'],
'endpointId': 'light#kitchen_light',
'friendlyName': 'Kitchen '
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'Light in '
'Bathroom via '
'Home '
'displayCategories': ['LIGHT'],
'endpointId': 'light#bathroom_light',
'friendlyName': 'Bathroom '
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.Speaker',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.StepSpeaker',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'inputs': [{'name': 'CD'},
{'name': 'DVD'},
{'name': 'TUNER'},
{'name': 'TV'}],
'interface': 'Alexa.InputController',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'configurations': {'modes': {'supported': [{'name': 'MUSIC'},
{'name': 'MOVIE'}]}},
'interface': 'Alexa.EqualizerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': False,
'retrievable': False,
'supported': [{'name': 'mode'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'Denon in '
'Living Room '
'via Home '
'displayCategories': ['MUSIC_SYSTEM'],
'endpointId': 'media_player#denon',
'friendlyName': 'Denon',
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.Speaker',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.StepSpeaker',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.PlaybackController',
'supportedOperations': ['Next',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.PlaybackStateReporter',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'playbackState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'inputs': [{'name': 'CD'},
{'name': 'DVD'},
{'name': 'TUNER'},
{'name': 'TV'}],
'interface': 'Alexa.InputController',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.ChannelController',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'media_player.denon_zone2 '
'via Home '
'displayCategories': ['TV'],
'endpointId': 'media_player#denon_zone2',
'friendlyName': 'Denon Zone2',
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
{'capabilities': [{'interface': 'Alexa.PowerController',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'powerState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.Speaker',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.StepSpeaker',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.PlaybackController',
'supportedOperations': ['Pause',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.PlaybackStateReporter',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'playbackState'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.ChannelController',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa.EndpointHealth',
'properties': {'proactivelyReported': True,
'retrievable': True,
'supported': [{'name': 'connectivity'}]},
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'},
{'interface': 'Alexa',
'type': 'AlexaInterface',
'version': '3'}],
'cookie': {},
'description': 'media_player.pokoj_dzienny '
'via Home '
'displayCategories': ['TV'],
'endpointId': 'media_player#pokoj_dzienny',
'friendlyName': 'Pokój '
'manufacturerName': 'Home '
I played a little bit and I managed to expose to Alexa
- script
- automation
by simply removing from cloud configuration entity type ‘media_player’. Seems like this one is messing up and if ‘media_player’ is part of included_entities then Alexa is not discovering nothing new (if something was added before is working well) …
Any idea why?
What is the location and language of your echo devices?
I suspect the following issues based on your discovery response:
- For the Denon try changing the display category to:
. The display category ofMUSIC_SYSTEM
was recently added to the Alexa API, and may not support all the interfaces. - Some media_players devices are yielding both Speaker and StepSpeaker interfaces. This is actually a bug and I’ve created a PR to fix it: #31444
- Alexa only supports the following input names, if the device doesn’t support some variation of those names the input controller won’t expose the inputs property. While this hasn’t broken anything previously, I created a PR to not yield this controller when it’s not supported. #31450
Thanks for sharing your discovery. I hope the first PR fixes your issue. Look for it in the next updates.
Thanks for feedback and sorry for late answer. I am working in parallel on some custom light controller.
About your remarks:
- location is Poland, account is .DE and language in GB how this might insluence equipment recognition?
- it was working previously us TV (default) - the same problem
- I saw somethingl like this, that it was Speaker and StepSpeaker - I will confirm this
- about the inputs, Denon for sure has at least one input source ‘BD’ or ‘DB’ (I will check) that is not listed behind your link
Is there any workaround I can try/trick now with last two topics?
I’m also affected by my Denon X4500H not showing up in Alexa despite being exposed by nabucasa to Alexa. I’m on 0.106.0b1 now. So it only shows Speaker now and I’ve changed the Input to “Bluray” from the factory “Blu-ray” setting. Still doesn’t show up in Alexa even after HA server restart.
How do I change the display category to TV? Will that interfere with the volume control? I only want to add the Denon to my “Living Room” group to do easy voice control of my AVR setup.
@ochlocracy: Still don’t see the Denon in Alexa despite being exposed to it on 0.106.1
Any more ideas?
There’s an open ticket for this issue here.
Maintainer posted a workaround which worked for me and my AVR-X3500H.
Hope that helps!
Thanks for the hint. I would like to try it but my X4500H only shows 65036 under support features, so removing 65536 doesn’t seem to be straight forward for me. Any ideas?
Ha, well that’s a pickle. I guess I would try throwing in the value I used for my 3500H since our models are similar. (My result was 3468).
I don’t know the ins and outs of supported_features
, but I know it’s a number representing all the features your receiver supports (volume up/down, mute, etc). I’m guessing that means the worst-case for you would be missing a few advanced features. But the basic features should all be represented in that number.
If you want to know for sure, I would post in that issue thread and ask @ochlocracy what the right number for your model is.
This is old and you may have discovered as I did recently that HA scripts are listed under ‘Scenes’ in the Alexa app.