Alexa refresh devices

I am trying to get my Alexa up and running. I followed the instructions on the manual page. I got it running, but the device discovery was a mess. It’s an endless list and most stuff I won’t even use with Alexa.

So I thought I’d better configure the entities that need to be exposed to Alexa manually. So I updated my configuration.yml and added the entities as below. But how/when will Alexa refresh the device list? When I try this manually from the Alexa app, it says it can’t find any new devices.

I tried disabling my dev skill and then link it again, but no success. Again all devices are found. Is the lambda function at AWS caching this?!

I had done this process one time earlies, and then newly added devices didn’t show up either. So I am worried now that once the devices are loaded, it’s not so easy to get a new one in Alexa?!

        - switch.shelly_1_8caab5053ea3_relay_0              # gang licht
        - switch.shelly_1_8caab505c4a9_relay_0              # toilet licht
        - light.shelly_dimmer_d483e8_light_0_2              # woonkamer
        - light.shelly_dimmer_2_e8db84d79370_light_0        # spots woonkamer
        - light.shelly_dimmer_2_f4cfa2ecb2c2_light_0        # Eettafel
        - switch.0x00124b001e731e4e_switch                  # Keukenspots
        - switch.shelly_1_f4cfa2ed6ead_relay_0              # Keuken
        - switch.0x2c1165fffea2b597                         # Kerstboom
        name: "Hallway"
        display_categories: SWITCH,LIGHT
        name: "Toilet"
        display_categories: SWITCH,LIGHT
        name: "Livingroom center"
        display_categories: SWITCH,LIGHT
        name: "Livingroom spots"
        display_categories: SWITCH,LIGHT
        name: "Dining"
        display_categories: SWITCH,LIGHT
        name: "Kitchen spots"
        display_categories: SWITCH,LIGHT
        name: "Kitchen"
        display_categories: SWITCH,LIGHT
        name: "Christmas tree"
        display_categories: SWITCH,LIGHT


I’m in the same situation did you find a solution in the end ?


Hi! Works flawless for me → did u restart home assistant? i guess home assistant restart is the only “alexa device list update”. If I add new devices to config, I do a home assistant restart and then at alexa-app “search for new devices” and they are there… best regards

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Wow, I found my own post :wink:

When I wrote this post, I used the SPA from to remove all my devices at once, and then just hit discover again. This would be the quickest way to clean the old devices and add the new ones.

Unfortunately, the web app doesn’t exist anymore. But I found in this post that you could give the command (through speech): “Alexa, discover new devices”. This seems to work fine!

I don’t have that many devices, so I can delete the old ones by hand.