Alexa skill is not working

Hi. Can anyone help with the strange issue? If I set for the EU,HA gives me “Error: invalid client id or redirect uri”. If I set pitanguy as the redirect URL.I’m able to install the Skill.But alexa discovered devices from old home assistant that no longer exists.

I had a similar issue, i have used layla endpoint but noticed that URL contains pitanguy inside it. I have replaced pitanguy part with layla and visited modified URL and magic happened.

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Not sure how to modify that. Cant link Alexa Skill.

when you click on enable skill link on Alexa web page/app, it opens a new page with a specific URL.
in that URL, you can modify pitanguy part with layla and click enter.

ho do you change the url ? if i clink on the linking button off the app, verry quickly it opens up my HA login page. (at the top i see the correct layla url ) , but still get error invalid redirection uri …