Alexa Skill to display Lovelace dashboards on Echo Show

I’m glad you like it! Have you already tried to follow the instructions on Github? I really tried my best to be as detailed as possible (e.g. almost every step has a screenshot). If you have problems with a specific step, please tell me. I will gladly help you and improve the respective section in the instructions.

Hi, your tutorial was great and it worked for my echo show. But is it possible to make it work on my Fire Tv. When I make it run on the fire tv it turns the screen black and goes back to where it was.


Hi, sorry for the late reply. Great that the tutorial worked for your Echo Show! Unfortunately I have no idea if the skill could be adapted to make it work on the Fire TV and since I don’t have one, I am also unable to test this.

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I love it! Brilliant. Looks great on my Echo Show 8 :sunglasses:


Thank you so much for this guide, it has certainly simplified getting the dashboard to display on the Echo Show.
Would you be able to create a Blueprint that calls the skill and keeps calling it every 9 minutes so it doesn’t time out back to the home screen? There is already a blueprint that does something similar for the Google hubs here: Cast and re-cast a lovelace view to a Google Hub

This can be done very easily. Assuming you have created a routine that opens the skill, you only have to set up an automation in Home Assistant that triggers the routine every 5 minutes with Alexa Media Player (using a time pattern trigger). Here is a blueprint for an automation that does exactly that:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.


Thank you aldadic great job, clean, efficent.

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this is great however i am confused at the least step where you set Skill testing is enabled to “Development”. it works but eventually it goes back to off and I always have to go back in test tap and change it to development. this defeats the purpose. How do I get it to stick?

That’s really weird. I tried to recreate the issue (even on a different account), but I couldn’t: Once I set Skill testing is enabled in: to Development, it stays that way. In general, I don’t think that this issue is related to the skill but rather is a problem of the Alexa developer console. I really hope that this was only temporary. Do you still have this problem?

Totally agree with you, all works like a charm but it would be great if someone knows how to hide the browser search bar.

The browser bar disappears when you scroll down slightly, I wonder if you could make a javascript code to scroll down the website just enough for it to disappear?

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This is awesome. Works like a treat. Any call limits using this on aws servers?

That would finish the project perfectly :+1:t3:

This is something I actually already tried, however, without success. When I tested this, the JavaScript functions window.scrollTo() and window.scrollBy() did in fact scroll the page, but the browser search bar still remained. I guess the browser search bar only disappears when you “physically” scroll down.

Good question. I found this page on the Alexa Developer Documentation:

It says Unlimited free AWS Lambda requests, so there should be no limit I guess.

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Bit of a longshot but I wonder if we can utilise this ‘hidden’ web browser in some way.

I’ve just figured out you can input go to chrome://about and view a whole range of browser settings for the Silk Browser. In particular chrome://flags allows you to change a whole host of settings for the browser. Surely something in here could be utilised to enable a fullscreen mode.



Anyboby knows if this is possible to execute a skill by touching the screen instead of vocal command ?

For example, open a Home Assistant link when I touch the clock on the screen !

Thanks in advance for your support.

I am pretty sure that it is not possible to trigger anything on an Echo Show by touching the display.
What I would suggest is to use …

  1. a smart button to trigger a Home Assistant automation …
  2. that calls an Alexa routine (via Alexa Media Player) …
  3. which executes this skill (and thus opens the requested home assistant page).

I’ve described this idea on the usage page in the documentation on GitHub.

I’m testing and there is a option full screen and its works!

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