Alexbelgium repo : 90+ addons

New addon

Readarr added : ebook collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users

Hi Alex,

Im trying now the papermerge. Very nice.
I saw you can also add SMB network location (to store the documents)

I tried everything to let it work but without any success. What do you need to see in the prortal when its connect correctly?

host: smb://NEXTCLOUD._smb._tcp.local/ncp-ncp/Papermerge
user: ncp
pass: testing123

config in HA:

ocrlang: nld
cifsusername: ncp
cifspassword: testing123
TZ: ''
smbv1: true
networkdisks: //NEXTCLOUD._smb._tcp.local/ncp-ncp/Papermerge

I don’t know if nextcloud have SMBv1 or v2


Thanks for the nice feedback!
Do you have errors in the addon log? Pretty sure it would work better with a direct ip instead of a named domain, you could try that it could hopefully work.
The code automatically checks all,possible smb versions so that’s not an issue :slight_smile:

Only what I see in log is this

this is only part that reverence to smb:

[cont-init.d] executing... 
exec: fatal: unable to exec bashio: No such file or directory
[cont-init.d] exited 127.

argh, it’s still the same old issue that addons have issue building on your system… I’ll try to have a look again… No error during build?

No errors as what I saw… The Add-on is working.
OCR is working, automation is working…

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Fantastic! I’d been hoping for an HA add-on for Mealie and it works perfectly. Thanks!

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Thanks for the feedback!

Potential breaking change : all smb mount codes were udpated from v1.4 to v1.5. This should allow for better mount compatibility, and especially provide additional troubleshooting info in case of issues.

the field “networkdisks” must be filled in the following way : “//IP1/share1, //IP2/share2” ; and the shares will be mounted to /mnt/share1 and /mnt/share2 in the example (“share1” and “share2” being your actual folder names). Only IP can be used, not netbios.

I updated the Add-on but get this error. (It was still not working for me)
(I can connect to // via OSX. Connection is ok)

[18:29:44] INFO: Mounting smb share(s)...
[18:29:44] FATAL: Error, unable to mount // to /mnt/ncp-ncp with username ncp, <MY PASSWORD>. Please check your remote share path, username, password, domain, try putting 0 in UID and GID
[18:29:44] FATAL: Here is some debugging info :
	Sharename       Type      Comment
	---------       ----      -------
	print$          Disk      Printer Drivers
	ncp-ncp         Disk      
	IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba 4.9.5-Debian)
	HP_printer      Printer   
SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available
[18:29:45] FATAL: Error read : Unable to apply new capability set.
[cont-init.d] exited 0.


ocrlang: eng,nld
storage_dir: /data/media
import_dir: /share/papermerge/import
TZ: ''
networkdisks: //
cifsusername: ncp
cifspassword: <MY PASSWORD>
smbv1: true
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Hi, the error message seems clear and related to an apparmor issue. I’ve pushed a new version -11 with updated capabilities, it should work!

YES!!! Now also when I upload a file its also physical on the mounted location.
This was also not happen before :slight_smile: so it worked now!

[19:12:35] INFO: Mounting smb share(s)...
[19:12:36] INFO: ... // successfully mounted to /mnt/Papermerge with options 
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
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Thanks for the feedack!

I understood recently that I had some cleaning to do in my code - the repo had grown a lot and not everything was fully aligned… Today I normally realigned all addons with the latest code and smb mounting should work much better, or provide much more relevant error codes if not ! :slight_smile:

Thanks for your patience with helping troubleshoot ! It takes some time but once we have correctly identified the source issue it should be solved for all addons :slight_smile:

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Im more then happy to help. You have great addons. Will install more of them :slight_smile:
And helping you makes your addons better and better!!!

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Only thing, Papermerge is not installing my OCR option NLD its still ENG :slight_smile:

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Hi, I’ve pushed a new version it will work now :slight_smile:

I’ve updated a bit the Transmission addon :

  • Removal of unprotected mode required
  • Addition of local disks mount
  • Addition of repair capabilities for the json
  • Optional custom UI, with custom UI set by default
  • Optional custom DNS setting (to avoid flooding a local DNS filter such as adguard)
  • Optional whitelist
  • Optional identification with USER & PASS

A question… maybe I’m missing something obvious here but how do I update the addons? Mealie has a new version available and I can’t see anywhere how to perform the update (and the auto-update option in the addon settings doesn’t seem to work).


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Hi, I’ll check… Just to be clear, the update only for works 64 bits architectures. The Mealie author has stopped providing updates to armv7 which will be stuck forever to its current version… Regardless of the addon updates

EDIT : updates confirmed to work on amd64 & armv7. Perhaps you just need to wait for the repo to refresh…

And again I use now also your VSC Add-on !!!
Version is newer then the official HA Add-on one… :slight_smile: You doing a great job !!!

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