All custom cards no longer found

I haven’t changed any configuration – all of my custom cards now receive the error ‘custom element doesn’t exist’

I have deleted my cache, it will periodically load, but, when refreshed will give the same error. Happens on Safari, iOS and Home Assistant iOS App. I also checked the Lovelace GUI and all elements are linked through HACS. I tried re-installing a few of them and still not found.

Running HA 0.113.1, Supervisor 229. Even when I restored a backup from a few days ago, still getting the same issue. Nothing appears in the logs that I can see. Any guidance appreciated.

I see this as well but a refresh seems to fix it.

see here, related? 🔹 Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

do you have browser-mod installed

You guys using browser_mod ? It’s an issue on 1.1.3 and 1.1.2, downgrade to 1.1.1 for now

I had this after upgrading to 0.113

I used HACS to reinstall the first frontend integration on my list (it happened to be auto-entities) and everything came back.

I think it might be an issue with HACS.

Just a refresh or a restart didn’t fix it for me

not using Hacs here, still seeing the issue.

@Mariusthvdb spot on, thank you. I had to remove it altogether (had upgraded to 1.1.3 previously). After removing, everything is back up.

please let Thomas know on his repo. It will help him solve the issue,

I’m using card-mod - never used browser mod.i also have an issue with cast showing same custom-cards red screen since 0.113 too.

can anyone else confirm this als resolved? why would the first intergration to reinstall solve the issue?

Having the same issue after 0.113. Anyone with a solution? Tried downgrading browsermod, but the problem persists.

How do you guys have it configured? In ui-lovelace.yaml? If so, move it to the lovelace section in configuration.yaml or move to the UI.

  - blah
  - blah
  - etc....

I have the resources in the configuration.yaml. I’ll try to move them to the lovelace-ui.yaml. Should I remove them from the configuration.yaml? I have the UI on yaml mode. Thanks in advance.

Let me know, the result, allthough Thomas thinks he knows the root cause, he is investigating, issue is posted on github

here’s the fix:

testing as we write this, so far so good.