Allow scripts/automations to continue after a failed action

Yes, please add it to entire automation


Hi guys,
so for now the only way to prevent actions terminate in case or error is set for every action the attribute continue_on_error to true?

Also for me it would be really VERY welcome to have the possibility to set it directly for all actions in both automations and scripts.
Unfortunately I am noticing several execution problems in the actions dependents cloud services (unfortunately for some devices there is no alternative…)

Thanks a lot for you amazing job :wink:

@frenck Frank, I don’t know if you’ve been following this conversation or not, but a number of users would like to see the ability to set the continue_on_error for all actions in an automation i.e. a global setting, if possible.
Also, it would be nice to see the option appear in the visual editor rather than resorting to yaml mode to add it. The other yaml only setting I would like to see in the visual editor is…

  stored_traces: xx



Having a way to continue on error would be amazing - happens to me all the time especially on some lights with iffy connectivity…

Especially user friendly would be having a tick box in the UI and-or a way to just tell an automation once to ignore errors instead of for each step.

Also, might it not be better to have continue on error be a default in an automation, instead of failing out?


At least it’s visually apparent now…


Baby steps first I guess!

I’ve been trying to use this in one of my scripts, but it’s not actually continuing on error. I often have an issue with my ZHA lights failing to enqueue:

Error: Failed to enqueue message after 3 attempts: <EmberStatus.NETWORK_BUSY: 161>

And when this error occurs the script still stops, even after adding continue_on_error: true to every single part of my script.

Why is this not in the 3 dot drop down
I had no idea this was a option

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Because no one has taken the time to add it to the UI. Many advanced features like this are currently YAML only.

I figured and understand
Just wish Spotify would stop requiring password changes to prevent spot cast crashes
Pain in the ass re authorization every time this happens
Twice this month
Not HA fault but nice to now know there is a fix for this kind of thing

I feel like this feature should be prioritized. As someone that has been struggling with HA, I always value having things that are intuitive rather than having to pour through documentation for days. In fact, sometimes I can go for months without even knowing that there is something that I don’t know. This exact feature, for example. For literally months now I’ve been trying to figure out why my morning automation would fail on occasion (pretty often). It took me some time to figure out how to interpret the trace information and determine that it’s simply my crappy LIFX bulbs that are killing the whole routine when they feel like it. A fair bit of research has lead me to this forum thread. If the option was in the context menu, it would probably have saved me days of time and many less headaches and days starting off on the wrong foot.
I agree with everyone else that thinks that there should be a GUI checkbox or similar method that doesn’t involve modifying YAML manually (including a way to do that for entire sequences rather than at every step if required).

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Prioritized by who?

The developers. Who else?

Well, HA is mostly developed by volunteers, so…

Just providing feedback as a casual user, offering my perspective
whether or not that has any value. :wink:

We are all in the same position. Waiting for someone who wants to add this to the UI. I’m not sure why you singled out my post to tell me your opinion.

FYI as a moderator, I’m not part of the core Nabu Casa development team. Nor do I have any pull on what they add.

Only because this topic is the most aligned series of posts with my issue that I could find to the best of my ability. I had a lot of trouble finding any sort of information on what was plaguing my automations, even after posting multiple times on various HA FB groups. Not sure what my other options are. Do you have a suggestion?
Edit: I understand your position. Only hoping that there are people that would be capable of adding features that skim through forums and consider people’s observations when deciding where to put their efforts.

If you need to make use of continue_on_error, you should use yaml to solve the problem. You’ll likely be waiting a long time before someone adds this to the UI.

switch to yaml mode for the action, add

continue_on_error: True


Got it. Thanks.
Let’s just hope that every other new user in the future somehow stumbles across this thread.

It is already partially in the UI. When you add it to the YAML, you can opt to “edit in visual editor” again and you will see an icon in the corner now for Continue on Error.

Just needs to be further added to the UI as a selectable option.

please vote for this in the WTH of dec '24: WTH can’t continue on error be set for entire automation