I wish there was a way to test audio/input on the Ada add-on page. I hooked up a pair of USB speakers and a PS3 Camera (microphone) that I previously used with Mycroft.AI but am getting no indication either is working. I was able to select both from the drop down boxes.
I’m working on a new HA integration for Rhasspy that will automatically generate voice commands for common use cases using your custom device names. If you’re able to help with translations (or know anyone), it would be much appreciated!
Now someone need to figure out how to flash or sideload a voice firmware to alexas and google homes so we could use the existing hardware for an open source voice. Might not be impossible since some already intercepted the OTA and file structure unless thats not possible anymore.
Or figure out a way to get a “skill” into their app stores that essentially acts like a proxy to for this so we can leverage the HW we have while keeping the data/state information secured and private.
Its not impossible to make your own skill with common search phrases, though that require the skill trigger word. Maybe its possible to use the fallback utterance to do a wildcard command that you just pass on via ha and use tts back to alexa
so alexa custom skill -> wildard or search phrase -> to ha -> local AI -> to TTS.
Though would be more fun if it could be run without using the skill word (yes, a routine can be used, but my goal would be to have all config in one place - I do not want to setup alexa in their app, plus ha in software)
Than you Paulus, changed to the portable (took a minute to realize it was just another tag, not a separate repository) but once that was figured I got it going.
In case anyone else starts with the almond-server:latest in docker instead of almond-server-latest-portable I had to delete everything that was generated from latest in the configuration folder on the host before starting up latest-portable. After cleaning this up, the container started correctly with the new image.
Slowly my home automation has gone from a useless toy to something appreciated by everyone, wife included. It is increasingly stable, and we rely on it.
I think the turning point was when wife and daughter become able to run automations via voice with google home.
But I would be extremely happy to abandon google (which in any case did not impress me for its smartness) and I’d more than willingly go to a local solution.
Having said that, I have some doubts. How do you position this with Snips.ai and Rhasspy? Are they essentially competing products?
OK, so been playing with Almond a bit in HA (local server in Docker) and I found something that can be bug or feature.
If you have local Almond install, it can support only one instance of HA, which is OK but should be highlighted in documentation.
BUT what I found strange - even if you remove Almod integration in HA, remove it from configuration.yaml, restart HA, Almod user remains, and as it is system generated it can’t be removed.
Trying to run Almond on Ubuntu Server, installed Podman, and I am encountering the error below when trying to initialize it. Anyone encounter this and know what to do?
~$ podman run -p 3000:3000 --uidmap keep-id \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
-v $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/pulse:/run/pulse \
-v ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/almond-server:/var/lib/almond-server \
Error: unable to pull stanfordoval/almond-server: image name provided is a short name and no search registries are defined in the registries config file.
And I hope it will support constant circular buffer recording so I could just say “Almond, turn off the lights” without making a pause between first two words
Really happy to see the direction this whole project is going!
As in this case I am more a user than a developer I have a question towards the implementation of the feature. Is there is a particular reason why the audio input / output is focused on the server / raspberry?
I think most of us use HA from any sort of mobile devices. In my case I have a couple of old phones / tables I would just like to place all over the house and use them.
In Addition to Ada, have you considered to look at Common Voice (a Mozilla project)? This would be a bit more privacy focused voice database than Azure Cognitive services. I totally agree with your current approach to get it up and running, but for the long term, this might be a way to go…