Alpha ESS inverter and battery data to Modbus without Cloud (locally)


Modbus kann man entweder über eine RTC “Platine” als Übersetzer oder direkt über TCP verwenden, je nachdem was der Wechselrichter unterstützt. die meisten Alphas haben direkt eine TCP Freigabe über ihre Standard LAN Schnittstelle mit der sie auch zur Cloud kommunizieren. Solange dein Pi und der Wechselrichter im selben Netzwerk hängen brauchst du also nur die IP deines Systems in die Konfig eintragen und schon sollte es laufen.

Hey, which side do you mean?

Hello togejter,
Hello Tim.

Nice work :wink: But it looks very similar to the effort I invested into have many sensors in Homeassistant.

I created last year for this a repository on GitHub:

I think your code you posted here is very similar to mine, only very small modifications.
Maybe I’m wrong und you used exactly the same.names, than sorry for reply.
But when not, it will be nice to link the GitHub Repositories you used as basic, if used.
I think for everone who invested many effort to create.something like this, is happy to have a link.
No problem with using it, because for this the OpenSource and Communities are there.
But a short hint for the original creator is nice :slight_smile:

So for all as information, you can find in my repository the yaml for integrating it.
Also additional you have sensor and helper for writing many values.
Currently i working on a update, so that hopefully alao the additional Inverter can be read out.
Also a trigger if grid is lost and UPS is active, will be included.
Here also i want to say thank you to @umrath for a pull request (sorry for integrate it so late).

This post should be not a claim to you Tim, only friendly reminder for give a link to the original repositories and to the work of other colleagues from the community


Hello Florian,

I would like to contradict your “accusations”, I did not use your repo, if I had found it during my research I would have used yours, not bothered myself and also not made an entry here in the forum.

I linked the repo I used, it was the one for the iOBroaker from Gaspode69.


I was having the same issue with the waveshare converter and the storion smile B3

I just couldn’t get it to send data back reliably, whatever I tried- it just timed out. Just too complicated to configure.

I have since bought a Protoss Pe-11 (what a name!) from AliExpress- cheapest of the cheap but it works perfectly with my B3

It is pins 4&5 (blue and blue/white in a standard patch cable plugged into the CAN / RS 485 socket on the control board) 9600 baud, 8 data 1 stop bit no parity or flow control. RS 485 ground not needed. IIRC it was blue to the right, white on left, centre (ground) floating with the converter ‘upright’.

I’m still getting to grips with how to use the helpers etc. but I have data coming in, and I did manage to write some data (though I can’t yet repeat that)



Hey Peter,

I’m wondering how you’re getting on with writing Modbus registers? I’m trying to help a contact use my integration to write stuff on his SMILE5 (hardware version 1, AL200) but we’re having issues. We’re also using the PE11 and reading Modbus registers is fine, writing is extremely slow - like minutes instead of milliseconds. I suspect a timing issue.
