Alternative HASS-like projects?

Ditto what Marius said


  1. He (understandably) does not want to be called directly in threads (i.e. using @).
  2. I have no interest in joining Discord. I suppose that decision cuts me off from direct access to developers but there it is.
  3. The Home Assistant GitHub repo explicitly states it’s not for feature requests.

What’s left is, perhaps, to post to the Architecture repo. However, my impression is that the people who start topics there are developers who present their ideas to their peers for vetting before proceeding with development. I’m not a python developer so I don’t believe that’s the correct forum for presenting my ‘wish list’.

What are the remaining avenues?

  1. I can post it here in the community forum. Sometimes it reaches balloob’s attention and he finds time to respond.
  2. I can post it as a Feature Request. I’ve posted a few but, admittedly, not nearly as many as I have in mind.

A yes, I understand what you’re saying here. Found myself in the same position frequently, not being able to write a PR myself, and frustrated by the lack of response on FR’s.

Too bad really. Especially when truly promising requests don’t surface.

Don’t want to press you, but given your summary above of ‘live’ updating in Premise, without needing to restart, I would really welcome an effort on your behalf for a feature request…

Also, I would think many of the fellow community members here would add their +1 to that, so it might get a lot of traction.

Btw, Ive joined Discord on a few occasions, and that is really not too daunting an experience. I would think the Discord people would welcome your expertise, and would love to benefit from it, for the good of HA.

Well, enough said. Hope you can find a spare moment :wink:

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Really? You can count me among those who’ve never heard that you can reload automations & scripts in packages without a complete restart of HA.

I don’t understand it…

He can ignore those types of calls just like we can.

There are several people on here who get flagged directly for help on specific things and I’ve never seen any of those people complaining about it and saying “don’t ever speak to me directly again unless you’re spoken to…”.

I agree. I’ve tried it a few times but it doesn’t seem to be the easiest/most straight forward way to get help.

I’ve often wondered the same thing. I’ve never seen very many of the “higher-ups”/devs responding to any of the feature requests (and none at all very recently that I can recall). So they always feel like your talking into the “ether” and you never really know if anyone anywhere is paying any attention.

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Yes, really!
And not a single mention anywhere of it…
Very strange.

yes, Ive noticed only recently too. Using it to great extent now :wink: It isn’t fool proof though, because sometimes these newly edited automations get and _2 suffix, and I effectively see 2 automations in the state machine. Which makes testing impossible in that case.

Still, its better than before…

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Hmmm… that sounds like a bug report is necessary.

I might try it to see how it works for me.

Is Discord the best way of getting hold of the devs? I always thought it was for in game chat type stuff. I don’t have an account there but I think you can make an account even with a throwaway email.

Domoticz is both Python based and FOSS like Home Assistant

Best feature in Domoticz that I miss is the use of Blockly to simply script automation via drag-and-drop via web-GUI

Blockly framework is developed by Google

Domoticz is still also easier to get started with since practically everything can be done via the web-GUI

Well actually domoticz is not python based, it is C++. It has some sort of sandboxed Python environment which has a lot of bugs and flaws. Blockly is a nice addition for gui and starters; but not everything is also possible on Blockly side on domoticz. You need to go for lua or python for more complex automations. But as i stated previously (back at the beginning of this topic), as much possibilities as you have for creating automations in domoticz (lua, blockly, python, bash, dzvents), its stability issues always failed me…

As far as I understand you could use the Node-Red add-on to do this in HA, I haven’t used it myself

After deleting a couple attempts at responding… I think what I’m looking for is something stable, not running under docker and has usb-boot support.

HASS simply is not stable on an SD-based Pi and docker is bullshit as far as giving the devs an obfuscation layer so they dont really have to do any Pi-based development. I’m tired of seeing EXT4-fs errors in the console on brand new SD cards when I’ve… I think I killed one SD card when I first started using OSMC…?

At this point… I started out last weekend intending to finally rebuild my HASS and I’m still fighting it. And I shouldn’t be. I’ve got a hardware stack consisting of a 4-cell 18650 Pi UPS, a Pi4 and a USB-to-m.2 that I’d love to deploy HASS on, but at this point… I still can’t even get a stable deployment on a Pi3 with a new 16g mSD.

I’m trying one more install on each of those cards using my snapshot and backed up theme folder only. If those both fail, I’ll go to MicroCenter tomorrow for more NEW cards.

Then I’ll try one more install with another NEW sd card and using a different Pi3. And rebuild EVERYTHING from scratch… no imports… at all…

Since it hasn’t been mentioned yet: ioBroker is a solution based on NodeJS. I only had a short glimpse at it a few years back, but at least in Germany it’s very popular. And I think the language barrier in this case isn’t as high compared to fhem. It seems to be more internationalized.

And to follow up on the discussion about HA having to be restarted all the time:
I might have missed something, but in my setup (no packages) I’ve been able to reload several important bits during runtime for ages. Adding automations via the editor is fairly instant, customizing entity names and id’s as well. And for those products that are available as integrations even adding new hardware doesn’t require a restart. The only time I really restart HA is when I add hardware that is not set up via integration. And ideally existing components will be migrated to work as integrations as well.

So as I see it, HA is already heading that exact way and has this on its agenda for version 1.0. :man_shrugging:

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The restart issue has quite a few votes (but could always do with more)

Easy solution, don’t use SD cards. Having said that, I ran HA on a RPi 3 for about 1.5yrs on a single SD card (good quality one) without any issue. I upgraded to a NUC which is so much faster that it is a no-brainer to simply spend the cash and have a far superior server.

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I have a Pi3 in my parents house happily running of a Sandisk 16gb A1 SD card (cheap, about $15 on Amazon), over Raspbain using the alternative installation script (which uses docker), PiHole in docker and Unifi Controller in docker, all running very happily for well over a year, probably longer.

I have the Pi3, router, and modem on a cheap UPS (under $100) to prevent power failures. The only time it ever reboots is when I update it, or the power is out long enough that the UPS battery runs out. No issues at all.

If you set up your recorder component well so it isn’t constantly writing needless info to the SD card, or better yet, move your DB file to a USB thumb drive, you will have more success.

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which is fine of the most wanted features for HA I suppose, and not very obvious to do. Aamof, I wouldn’t know where to go to have it do so (have my Hassio Pi4 system write to a USB)

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I don’t have it that way on my parents Pi3 - it writes to the SD card. I just limit what the recorder writes.

sure, as I do now. You mentioned to move the Db to a thumb drive though, so I would be very interested in how to (you) do that.

(Using MariaDB seems to be a step in the right direction already, still that writes to the SD card to, albeit not in the config directory so we cant see it :wink: )

First: what I’m about to say was addressed previously in the thread, so… I’ll try to summarize the context best I can without rehashing the whole thread…

Everything I’m trying to to, I’m trying to do without going off-label… ie: while I could move to more traditional PC hardware- I’m a bit of a Pi-nut and feel that a Pi is completely capable, and damn near ideal for something like this. True. The NUC route does provide far more processing power, but has energy consumption to match. I’d be more interested in a… I’d really like to see a universal parallel-processing OS for Pis… need more power- add another Pi.

Aside from that- there is no ‘official’ method for eliminating the SD card from a hass-install, only a handful of threads of other users who battled through ‘to make it work’. Methods which may or may not still work considering the evolving landscape and I don’t have the time or tolerance to reinvent the wheel… a wheel that shouldn’t need reinvention (ie: given the subject- USB-boot shouldn’t still be an “eventually”.

Ehh… separate what you quoted into two statements and you’re closer to what I was trying to say. Hass is not stable. Not with as stripped down as the underlying OS is… not without disk utilities or even basic database management. There are things that can go wrong and no way to monitor or rectify those issues. I mean… no fsck?!

As far as ‘setup the recorder’… and if you start at the beginning- at what point is it mentioned in the install docs that such a thing is needed? Without going through the forums post-by-post to self-educate?

…as far as the other half of the statement- DOCKER… IS bullshit for the purposes of making an obfuscation layer- which is exactly what docker is being used for in this instance. Which… I shouldn’t complain since the usage of docker is likely the only reason there is even a RasPi-focused install. It’s there so there doesn’t have to be split code… so the x86 development can easily be ported to ARM.

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