Alternatives to monitor_docker?

I’m using the monitor_docker custom component to get the status of my docker containers and enable me to stop/start them.

This mostly works, but it seems that monitor_docker doesn’t like it when containers are recreated using things like watchtower or just by pulling and starting a newer container image. It throws errors in the log file for these containers every few seconds, and the only way to stop it is to restart home-assistant.

I’ve logged this as an issue on ualex73’s github, but it doesn’t look like the author is doing much now - no activity since last October.

Does anyone have an alternative that doesn’t require lots of manual configuration of containers and would allow restarting them? (for monitoring I can now use uptime-kuma, so it’s more just for the control aspect now really).


Thanks, but I already use Portainer outside of HASS as a docker gui. I’m running Core too. What I’m after is something that provides switches and sensors within HA that I can use.