AM2302 ESPHome Compatibility Problem

Yeah that point I made earlier seems to have been overlooked.

The layout is terrible with the ESP chip so close to the DHT.

That is an important point …
I have given up on the DHT22 board …

Apparently I have tried it on the DHT 11 and the same code works like a charm . I only had to change the model type .

thank you all guys :- :ok_hand:

You have to put full name, because “pin: 2” does not translate into GPIO2. Type full name, i.e. pin: GPIO2

Pin 2 means GPIO2.
At least according to the documentation.


ESPHome always uses the chip-internal GPIO numbers . These internal numbers are always integers like 16 and can be prefixed by GPIO . For example to use the pin with the internal GPIO number 16, you could type GPIO16 or just 16 .