Analogue style rotary dimmer switch - Sonoff + ESPEasy + MQTT

This is cool.

One extra I thought of, add a couple of touch buttons (if there is room) which activate a change in mqtt topic. Press button 1 to control the lights. Press button 2 to control media, press button 3 to control a fan. Or whatever your situation demands!

There are not enough easily accessible GPIOs on a sonoff basic to do this.
You would have to solder to the esp chip itself and that’s way beyond my skills with an iron :slight_smile:

Yes I thought of that after I posted. Maybe a wemos or similar would do the trick.

Anyway nice hack, I love it.

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Yes the relay button still works because it’s configured to. It’s not hard wired.

If you use a diff esp platform you def could do it.
But sonoff basic has the built in psu, the relay, enclosure etc for $5

Yeah it is really good value.

The power supply used to power the wemos in HAswitchplate is a pretty good option IMHO. But yes, the whole thing does end up being a quite a bit more.

For your average dimmer situation a sonoff is good, if you wanted a couple of more versatile rotaries in a couple of places, there are options. That’s the good thing about making, the possibilities are endless.

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That project is nice, and I agree about the PCB the OP designed.
Its probably a better high voltage design, but def costs more (money and work)

Hello Please Help. i have this dimmer and the code for it is (attached)
i can control the dimmer from the web http page provided by seller
i want to control it over mqtt i can turn it off and on sending mqtt commands from home assistant config page pay load commands R13_ON & R13_OFF

I am a beginner trying to learn everything the guy keeps telling me the dimmer command is Dimmer as i can see in the code but it does not do any thing my home assistant config for this is

my home assistant configs are , i am able to turn off & on but not brightness from the http panel of the product i can control brightness


  • platform: mqtt
    name: “test light”
    command_topic: “bruno”
    state_topic: “bruno”
    payload_on: “R13_ON”
    payload_off: “R13_OFF”
    brightness_command_topic: “bruno/Dimmer”
    brightness_state_topic: “bruno/Dimmer”

please help Thanks in advance

boolean connectMQTT() {
if (mqttClient.connected()) {
return true;

Serial.print("Connecting to MQTT server “);
Serial.print(” as ");

if (mqttClient.connect(host)) {
Serial.println(“Connected to MQTT broker”);
if (mqttClient.subscribe((char*)subTopic.c_str())) {
Serial.println(“Subsribed to topic.”);
} else {
Serial.println(“NOT subsribed to topic!”);
return true;
else {
Serial.println("MQTT connect failed! ");
return false;

void disconnectMQTT() {

void mqtt_handler() {
if (toPub == 1) {
Debugln(“DEBUG: Publishing state via MQTT”);
if (pubState()) {
toPub = 0;
delay(100); //let things happen in background

void mqtt_arrived(char* subTopic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { // handle messages arrived
int i = 0;
// Serial.print("MQTT message arrived: topic: " + String(subTopic));
// create character buffer with ending null terminator (string)

for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
buf[i] = payload[i];
buf[i] = ‘\0’;
String msgString = String(buf);
Serial.println(" message: " + msgString);

if (msgString.substring(0,6) == “R13_ON”) **
** {

** Serial.println(“Dimmer:99”);**
** } **
** else if (msgString.substring(0,7) == “R13_OFF”) **
** {**
** Serial.println(“Dimmer:0”);**
else if (msgString.substring(0,6) == “R14_ON”)
Serial.println(“R_1 switched via web request to 1”);
else if (msgString.substring(0,7) == “R14_OFF”)
Serial.println(“R_1 switched via web request to 0”);
else if (msgString.substring(0,7) == “Dimmer:”)

boolean pubState() { //Publish the current state of the light
if (!connectMQTT()) {
if (!connectMQTT) {
Serial.println(“Could not connect MQTT.”);
Serial.println(“Publish state NOK”);
return false;
if (mqttClient.connected())
Serial.println("To publish state " + state );
if (mqttClient.publish((char*)pubTopic.c_str(), (char*) state.c_str())) {
Serial.println(“Publish state OK”);
return true;
Serial.println(“Publish state NOK”);
return false;
Serial.println(“Publish state NOK”);
Serial.println(“No MQTT connection.”);

String getValue(String data, char separator, int index)
int found = 0;
int strIndex[] = {
0, -1
int maxIndex = data.length() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex && found <= index; i++) {
if (data.charAt(i) == separator || i == maxIndex) {
strIndex[0] = strIndex[1] + 1;
strIndex[1] = (i == maxIndex) ? i + 1 : i;
return found > index ? data.substring(strIndex[0], strIndex[1]) : “”;

On message for dimmer topic update brightness

  • alias: Switch office light
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.normalised_office_dimmer_brightness_256
    service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp
    brightness: ‘{{states.sensor.normalised_office_dimmer_brightness_256.state}}’

Changing out the on trigger automation for state resulted in no errors at the 0 rotation and full scale rotation.

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: ‘Normalised Office Dimmer Brightness’
    value_template: “{{ states.sensor.office_dimmer_brightness.state | int **2 }}”

Using this in this string for the normalised dimmer brightness, gives a non linear or to the power of 2 increase in brightness. I set the rotary encoder at 1 pulse per revolution and for a maximum count of 16. 16 ** 2 = 256. It give alot finer control at low dimming where required and get’s to full brightness in 16 steps or just over 3/4 turn. Really like this project I learnt a lot from it. Thankyou.

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Nice! Thanks for sharing

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I’m getting so much out of this project, if you set up the input as a normal switch, then the mqtt output toggles 0 > 1 > 0 everytime you press it. You only need one automation to toggle the light in Home Assistant. In addition if you set up rules on the ESP easy and a second binary sensor you can get a long press on the button to give you a second functionality like a scene, ie turn off all the other lights ect…


You’re doing great!
If you find a way to do short/long press then I’d love to know!
Eg short to toggle light, long to to toggle relay or similar

I would too love to be able to toggle the relay on a long press! Great work from you both @hijinx @Paul_Fisher Just got a blanking plate and some rotary knobs so almost ready to install the final product! :smile:

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OK there are two ways to do it, I’m set up on button1 with state as the variable name.

Here is the first, the issue is you have to wait 1 sec before you get a message for a short press or a long press, so the button feels unresponsive

on Button1#State=1 do

on rules#timer=1 do
if [Button1#State]=0
//Action if button is short pressed
Publish cmnd/21cameron/lounge_dimmer1/button1/state,1
Delay 100
Publish cmnd/21cameron/lounge_dimmer1/button1/state,0
//Action if button is still pressed
Publish cmnd/21cameron/lounge_dimmer1/button1/state,2
Delay 100
Publish cmnd/21cameron/lounge_dimmer1/button1/state,0

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