Android Dash Board Browser with Motion Detection and MQTT

Yes keyboard to MQTT was what I had in mind. Of course micro controller would also work but would miss the opportunity to make the most of having a tablet there.

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Good deal. Will definitely investigate this after getting past this current branch

Ok everyone, hereā€™s another build to try! Unfortunately adding a web browser makes it significantly larger than it used to be, but I donā€™t think that should be a hardship :slight_smile: It should auto-select Crosswalk if you are on 4.4, and use the Android webview on 5.0 and higher. However, you can override that behavior in the Advanced settings.

0.2-qpn-API19 w/ Crosswalk

@robmarkcole @renetode @nickrout @danpow @ray0711

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adding a webbrowser?
what does it more the before?
i had my HAdashboard already there and working, and thats a webpage.

only bad side i see is that it still did shut down twice already :frowning:

The issue was that on 4.4, the Android WebView is very (ok not very) inadequate for modern features. HASS wonā€™t load at all on it. HADashboard kinda worked, but, Iā€™m sure there are quirks hiding somewhere. Or you want to do something fancy that fails.

This is just to make the functionality the same for 4.4 as it is on 5.0 and newer, but it has the overhead of having to bundle a complete Chromium browser in the package.

Ugh to shutdowns thoughā€¦ I might want to downgrade my physical tablet to 4.4ā€¦

I just wiped an old Nexus 7 2012 and put a minimal 4.4.4 on it - the apk installed and runs OK. Iā€™ll use it for a week and report back. I have another Nexus 7 on the wall Iā€™ve been using with Fully Kiosk Browser for the last six months so will be interesting to compare the two.

thx for the explenation.
ill download the new version later today.

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Would appreciate all that feedback :slight_smile: some people would still be fine with a Kiosk app. What I picture is this will become somehing more ā€˜naturalā€™ to use with HASS and have functions more suited for home automation, where Kiosk apps are more concerned about lockdown and low trust situations.

After this is stable I will be thinking about stabilizing the API and providing a HASS component, with the intent of maybe having an iOS version with the same API.

Also we will keep those features free :).


So far Iā€™m not getting any motion detection working. Itā€™s possibly a system setting as mentioned earlier in the thread but if I canā€™t find it I might flash stock android 4.4.4 onto the tablet and try again as this is a cut down OS that doesnā€™t even have any g apps.

That Kiosk app I linked isnā€™t free for full functionality and the unlock is per device which can quickly add up.

To get the motion detection working try disabling the screen lock and kill any other processes that may be using the camera (the app required for the Android IP cam component for example)

Just ā€˜downgradedā€™ my Fire HD 6 that Iā€™ve been using to Cyanogenmod KitKat. Seems to be working fine, if anything itā€™s snappierā€¦ so it was worth doing. The animation when it turns the screen off is better and I dont need a hack to turn off the slide to unlock so thatā€™s nice. Now it puts that work into making 4.4 work to use!

Request, can everyone start sharing what hardware platform + OS theyā€™re testing with so I can start recording where there may be issues to address? Unfortunately Android is going to rear its head and thereā€™s different stories for every tablet. Feel free to contribute to the Wiki or let me know directly

As far as I can tell thatā€™s already done - this is the only app installed. The only lock screen settings Iā€™ve found were located under ā€˜Interfaceā€™ and these are already disabled. Daydream is disabled too.

What is check interval unit? Currently on default of 200 (Milliseconds?)

Minimal Luma? 1000 - is this how bright it needs to be to activate?

Hardware: Nexus 7 2012 Wifi
OS: Android 4.4.4 SlimKat

I am using the default settings. Double check that the front facing camera is working, I have twice had to reset my tablet after the camera appeared to stop working.

I am getting ads on my tablet, and the only two apps I have installed are Chrome and this one. Could this one be causing the ads?

Installed another kiosk browser that does the wake screen on motion detect thing and it is working fine so perhaps itā€™s a permissions issue somewhere will maybe try reinstall and see what happens before I try vanilla android 4.4.4.

No Ads on mine - not even with pi-hole disabled so Iā€™d suspect itā€™s maybe your OS serving you ads if youā€™ve never installed anything else. It wasnā€™t one of those discounted amazon ones that you can pay less for but you get ads baked in?

It was almost as cheap as the amazon, and one of the reviews mentioned ads. Contacted the supplier and they insist the OS doesnā€™t have adsā€¦

In that case Iā€™d have a look on xda forums and see if there is an alternate ROM available for your device.

Alternatively, set up a pi-hole if you have a spare pi for network wide adblocking. Iā€™ve also installed it on a debian server using the same simple curl command.

curl -sSL | bash

Thanks Barry, I will l definitely check it out!
Unfortunately motion detection was not working for me this morning, sigh

Re pi hole, can it be run on my home assistant pi? This appears to suggest thats the default

Iā€™ll take a look at the camera code next. Iā€™ve never looked at it. Hopefully thereā€™s a simple answer

I assume not working is inclusive of waking the tablet and MQTT never posting a message (but you DO see battery sensor there?)). Just checking if itā€™s truly the camera. Also, tried waving at the one on the back?