Android kiosk mode

I had an icon on my android phone homepage which linked to my Hass.IO very nicely via duckdns and would open it in full kiosk mode. I played around with my Hass.IO config a few days ago because I didnt quite have things right and needed to change it to ‘https’ rather than ‘http’ and in doing so, my android kiosk link had to be re-done. Now it doesnt open in kiosk mode but simple open the chrome browser and goes to Hass.IO. Has anyone else had this issue? is it something to do with android not being able to open https in kiosk?

If I am not wrong I read about it somewhere. It is an issue after upgrading to Android 8.0 where old icons would still work but new ones would not go to kiosk mode. It was nothing to do with Hass.IO.

I’m only running Android 7.0 and the change from it working to not working only happened when I get things set up Hass to use https

I’ve encountered the same thing. I am on Android 8.0 though so maybe the issue is on their side of the fence in my circumstance. Hoping someone has some suggestions on this thread though.

I have just discovered the same thing, I’ve just switched over to https (via duckdns and letsencrypt) as I’m opening my HA instance to the internet. I also can’t create a shortcut in Chrome. What I did figure out was that if you can’t find the icon, it’s created in your app drawer and you can just drag it onto the home screen like a normal app. However, it now just opens as a chrome tab, unlike it did before in “full-screen” chrome

I managed to get it sorted…kinda. I found this thread a few days ago and tried putting ‘www’ in front of my duckdns address. ( That fixed the issue of it opening into a chrome tab and allowed me to create a proper kiosk mode ‘app’ from the home screen. It does however have a tab across the top complaining about security

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Isn’t that because it’s falling back to non-ssl? I tried it and I can’t even visit the pages as I get an error.

I think so. I know it isn’t properly fixed yet but its better than it opening a chrome tab. I’m still trying to work out what is wrong with my config

Seems to have something to to with googles “Progressive Web Apps”. I’m currently assuming PWAs only work with valid SSL. So HA is probably not configured right for PWA support?

EDIT: just confirmed, this is on a page about PWA: “Served via TLS to prevent snooping and ensure content hasn’t been tampered with.” This is definetly the reason this only happens with SSL enabled.

Current workaround that works for me to force a non PWA web app install:

  1. Start HA with a self-signed (invalid) certificate
  2. Install the webapp
  3. Start HA with your valid certificate again, it will continue to work.

Let’s hope that someone with enough knowledge of PWAs can fix this.

Crosspost from another thread

I was able to port forward 443 to 8123 on my router and it fixed the issue with the certificate. Now loading and Adding to home screen works fine. It’s still an issue if you use or since the certificate using the DuckDNS addon doesnt get a cert for that domain.

For those that need more coffee in their life… step 1.1 clear your browser cache for that site…