Android shortcut to HA script?


Perhaps you don’t understand how the HA cloud stuff works, but whatever.

AutoVoice unfortunately is no longer supported by google home.

Question: if I add a Google Home Mini into my smarthome, can it receive triggers that I say into my android phone using “ok google”, and then trigger a HA script?

I never said to use Autovoice and Google home.

Autovoice > API call to HA

Again, only if you expose your instance to the internet or use HA Cloud…This is the ONLY way to be able to talk to Google and have it do something in HA. Again, if you want to use Google, you have to expose your instance or use Cloud.

That’s the reason why I am on IOS and not android…
With Siri Shortcuts you can just configure the “voice command” you want to trigger any home assistant script from you phone without any cloud exposure.


Hope you managed to do what you were searching. I was just trying to do the exact same thing as you yesterday and found out there is a very simple solution (that probably didn’t exist back in 2020 :wink: )

Just create an Android widget for “Service” and write “script”. All your scripts will be listed.