Announcement: HADasboard beta4 - Release Candidate!

OK, I think your setup is fine, but you have an error in the dashboard that I am not giving good diagnostics for …

Can you post your events dash please?

What is that ? A file or a log ?

Before geting to this stage, I was having som error abouth file missing :
events_body.html events_head.html main_body.html main_head.html

I’ve created them manually.
And I still don’t know what the dash_dir: path should be

it must be:


To get that particular error you must have asked for a specific dashboard called events in the URL - if you haven’t created one, why are you asking for it? The errors about missing files mean it has presumably read the top level dashboard file …

What URL are you using to access the dashboard, and have you created a top level .dash file to match it?

Ok, I’ve got it working alright.
The “main” and Event" was called by my tablet dashboard on the port 3030, trying to reach the old dashboard :slight_smile:

Now, I need to configure the new one with my sensors, light and other stuff.
We need to update the readme file, the instructions are old and not accurate
Thanks a lot.

read the and in your appdaemon directory.
they should be up to date.

I did it, but for example , the git command is not up top date :
git clone, should be :
git clone -b hadashboard_beta
And neither the dash_url or dash_dir are mentioned.

In another theme: the clock widget don’t work as a world clock like in the old dashboard, you can’t enter the title and the entity: and get the time from the sensors, in my case :
widget_type: clock
title: Local Time
entity: sensor.santiago

widget_type: clock
title: Zurich
entity: sensor.zurich

widget_type: clock
title: Jerusalem
entity: sensor.jerusalem

Old Dash

I’m also missing the circular gauges who was really nice on the old one

New Dash:

the clock widget is not based on a sensor.
so if you would like a time based on a sensor just use a text sensor widget (in the old dashboard you probably also used a sensor widget)
Gauge is in the new dashboard also.
its a bit different, but it is there.

that you need to use another link is mentioned in the installation instructions here on the forum. (first post from this thread gives the extra instructions)
remember this is a BETA (so used for testing if thing work like they should) version!

you said you read the files but on the top from you find:

Installation and Configuration

HADashboard is dependent upon AppDaemon. As a first step please refer to the AppDaemon Documentation.

When you have AppDaemon installed and running, configuration of the Dashboard is pretty simple. You just need to add a directive to the config file - dash_url.

This and the optional dash_dir directive should be in the top of the file under a new HADashboard: section.

  • dash_url - the url you want the dashboard service to listen on

For instance:

  ha_url: <some_url>
  dash_url =

We are still in the Beta - you should be following the instructions referenced at the top of this post - the instructions in the Repo are for the final versiojn - confusing I know but it will be cleared up soon.

All of the dasboard specific instructions can be found in

Any chance we can get the description in addition to the title for items in the RSS widget? The titles themselves for a lot of the news feeds aren’t that useful on their own unfortunately.

Ok, I understand, but as it it taged with “release Candidate”, For prime time, the readme must be really explicit for a step be step install and operation.
No accusation here, at the contrary, thank you all for the hard work, but if I had some problem to get it running as a Linux System Manager, I can’t imagine a lambda user to be able to use this great Dashboard.

I’m open to any suggestions or better yet pull requests on improving the docs when we get through the Beta - the intention is to have a website setup with the instructions all in sections and much easier to read - my good friend @rpitera has been helping with that.

This is just a transitory period - I marked it as a release candidate a few days ago and I am expecting to end the beta in the next week or two, at which point I’ll make sure all the docs line up - there are only so many hours in a day, and strangely enough my employer expects me to spend some of them working for them :wink:

Sure - the issue I had when building this is that the descriptions could be way too verbose and overflow the widget - I am open to suggestions on how best to present the info though.

could be that a lambda user takes a little more time to actually read files that they are pointed to :wink:

You are probably Right :wink:

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I think the easiest thing to do is add a parameter to specify the number of characters and just truncate the description to that length. That way it can be adjusted to different widget sizes.

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This is my setup

  logfile: STDOUT
  errorfile: STDERR
  threads: 10
# Apps
  module: hello
  class: HelloWorld

and error

pi@hassbian:~/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon $ python3 -m appdaemon.appdaemon -c /home/pi/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf
2017-06-22 13:29:21.885356 INFO AppDaemon Version 2.0.0beta4 starting
2017-06-22 13:29:21.885895 INFO Configuration read from: /home/pi/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf/appdaemon.yaml
2017-06-22 13:29:22.225738 WARNING Unable to connect to Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds
2017-06-22 13:29:27.361601 WARNING Unable to connect to Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds
2017-06-22 13:29:32.495288 WARNING Unable to connect to Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds

was missing ha_key as HASS password

Now works but it gets disconnected , reconnects, then goes disconnected again

pi@hassbian:~/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon $ python3 -m appdaemon.appdaemon -c /home/pi/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf
2017-06-22 13:39:57.121404 INFO AppDaemon Version 2.0.0beta4 starting
2017-06-22 13:39:57.122284 INFO Configuration read from: /home/pi/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf/appdaemon.yaml
2017-06-22 13:39:57.611865 INFO Got initial state
2017-06-22 13:39:57.613413 INFO Loading Module: /home/pi/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf/apps/
2017-06-22 13:39:57.647119 INFO Loading Object hello_world using class HelloWorld from module hello
2017-06-22 13:39:57.805814 INFO hello_world: Hello from AppDaemon
2017-06-22 13:39:57.809147 INFO hello_world: You are now ready to run Apps!
2017-06-22 13:39:57.809880 INFO App initialization complete
2017-06-22 13:39:57.810723 INFO Starting dashboard
2017-06-22 13:39:57.830484 WARNING Disconnected from Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds
2017-06-22 13:40:02.836501 INFO Disconnecting from Home Assistant
2017-06-22 13:40:03.074404 INFO Got initial state
2017-06-22 13:40:03.075837 INFO Reloading Module: /home/pi/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf/apps/
2017-06-22 13:40:03.077995 INFO Loading Object hello_world using class HelloWorld from module hello