Announcement: HADashboard v1.72

EDIT #1: It looks like it was the stale PID that was causing the issue. I don’t remember having a bad shutdown, but it’s certainly possible I did and that was the result; a leftover pid file.

I’m going to reboot and see what happens…

EDIT #2: Confirmed. I’ll still need to check HAPush, but I’m guessing it will prove to be okay as well.

I never would have figured this out without you telling me to manually run the init script as I wouldn’t have seen it. Much, much thanks!

EDIT #3: I’m thinking now that I may have done this myself. I would suggest adding something to the docs about upgrading that suggests users stop both services before doing the git pull and then restart. I’m wondering if doing the upgrade with them both running caused the stale PID?

Glad you figured it out :slight_smile:

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Is there something else I need to do to use the iFrame widget like @jbags81 did for the weather radar? All he mentioned in his post was that he incuded this in his dashboard:

<li data-row="3" data-col="2" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="2">
      <div data-id="iframeId1" data-view="Iframe" data-src=""></div>

I’ve done this, but I just get a blank widget.

I’m almost done with this to the point I can mount my tablet and go, but this bit is holding me up… :frowning:

I even tried using the image widget but no luck.

Don’t know, I’ve never used it - I’ll take a look when I have some time.

I didn’t think you had; that’s why I tagged @jbags81 since his example had it running. But thanks for checking in.

Man, what a job keeping things straight! I had to comment everything so I could group together things in the same rows and then order them in column position so I knew what was going on. I’m going to have to move the page buttons on the side for my crappy little tablet as it’s rendering a bit of the bottom cut off.

But it’s great to finally get this done so I can check another thing off the list. An actual list, because I was getting a bit slack. :slight_smile:

Sounds like a lot of work :slight_smile: Did you know you can change the aspect ratio of the tiles so they feed flawlessly on your tablet?

Actually it worked out well being at the end because I have them all static now in one row.

Tell me more! :astonished: Did not know this. I knew about changing sizes but not aspect ratios…

I would love to get the camera feeds into the dash (maybe the camera widget can be modified?) so this may come in handy to know. If you have a link or pointer, or just want to spell it out for me, I’m sure others would also benefit from it being here.

I’ll dig out the details tomorrow (on my iPad now) - ping me if I forget!

Thanks: I tried looking in the dashing wiki but haven’t found anything yet.

I never noticed the iframe widget until you mentioned it, as it doesn’t appear to be documented, but I am also unable to get anything but a blank widget.

@aimc is this not an officially supported widget yet? :slight_smile:

I’m also interested in how to change the aspect ratio

The iframe widget is one you get for free when you create a dashboard - I haven’t ever used it and it has no spcific significance for HA but it should work.

I posted info about the aspect ratio here

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Ok, gotcha… that’s too bad, since it appears to be broken. The only thing my dashboard is missing is the ability to integrate external data, static text data, or even custom data that does not conform to one of the HA widgets, I was so excited when I saw iframe but if it ever worked before it has since broken.

Thanks for the link to the aspect ratio steps, much appreciated! Between HADashboard and AppDaemon, I am in heaven!!!


@jbags81 had this working with the iframe widget in his dashboard and I posted to the thread asking him to share how he got it to work but he never replied back. Maybe he’ll see his mention in this thread and check in.

From what I can see, there’s a CURL involved to actually get the data source, which Dashing then processes. I never got around to it but I started reading the repo here:

Let us know how you make out.

That was exactly what I needed to get it working!!!

You don’t need the CURL part if you are doing it inline, so all you need to do is replace the contents of you posted into the in HADashboard so that it includes both of those $(@node) lines

Then I just added scrolling=“no” to the existing iframe.html and it just works :smiley:

Of course in the example where data-id=“iframeId1”, that can be anything, and has to be different if you have more than 1 iframe in your dashboard, but yeah, works perfectly!

Of course this will break the next time @aimc does an update, so I have made a backup of my iframe widget folder so I can replace it after each upgrade.

@aimc, you think it would be possible to add these changes to the iframe widget so it will work even after an update?

The has to be:

class Dashing.Iframe extends Dashing.Widget

  ready: ->
    $(@node).find(".iframe").attr('src', @get('src'))

  onData: (data) ->
    $(@node).find(".iframe").attr('src', data.src)

and the iframe.html:

<iframe class="iframe" data-bind-src="src" scrolling="no" frameboarder=0></iframe>

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I had the answer staring me in the face the whole time. I never thought to check I guess if I run into any of the other widgets having issues, I should check against latest source.

I made the suggested changes and it’s working great now! My only problem is my radar map is too big for the widget. I’m using a gif radar map and I guess there’s no way to resize it, i’d have to make the widget too big. :frowning:

Glad this helped! (Both of us!)

Yeah, I just noticed that as well… I’m only seeing the top left corner of my content… hmmm… gonna mess with it… gotta be a way to have the source display based upon the dimensions of the widget.

Good work guys - I’ll make sure this is added to the next release so nothing breaks for you.


Maybe in the .SCSS?