Announcement: HADashboard v2 Beta!

Thanks, I loved the old dashboard too - but there’s an extra speediness to this new version!

And the media player buttons!! And the skins!! I’ve so much to try out - you’re a real SuperStar doing this for everyone!


Glad to hear that - I developed on a reasonably powerful PC style box, but Rob & Rene tested it on a pi2 and a pi3 and we got a lot of optimization done early on. The dashes are compiled only when needed which makes a huge difference to response times. I also completely ditched the notion of using SCSS for skinning and as a result reduced the compile times by 50%.

There is no install for websocket…
sudo pip3 install websocket
Hopefully this wil fix it :slight_smile:

OK, that made no difference :frowning:

Not sure what more I can do?

I think this is similar to the issue I had in the Docker case

The ws:// url thats passed down to the client is re-constructed from the dash_host and dash_port that’s parsed out of dash_url… so if your internal and external addressing are different, the browser is trying to go to the wrong place (you’ll see the javascript console spamming this)

So I guess reiterating a question before, would it be possible to construct ws:// a little more dynamically, maybe even handle it client side, so it uses exactly what the browser thinks it is? Then we could avoid having dash_url defined at all really. Just a setting for port?

Try it without the sudo, you shouldn’t need it.

Makes sense - I’ll add it to the list to investigate.

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I get permission errors then

Did you have to do anything else to get this working? Changed the line you mentioned, but chrome inspector console is lit up and I don’t get any HA data in the dashboard, although I can see the dashboard. I’m in a docker (for appdashboard) and HA is running in docker on another server.

All going well here, one quick question: how do I change the colour of the clock text from purple? I want to swap it for white.

That should be it, but let’s check all the assumptions…

  • whats your dash_url value in appdaemon.cfg
  • did you modify the line BEFORE building the docker image?
  • what is the IP/name of your docker host machine with the dashboard
  • what exact URL are you using in your browser

What you describe is the behavior I’ve seen when the browser is connecting to the ‘wrong address’… the HTTP side renders fine but the websockets side is failing

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You can either do it by adding the following to your clock widget definition in the dash file:

date_style: “color: black”
time_style: “color: green”

Thanks, I found them in the default css.

/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/appdaemon/assets/css/default/variables.yaml file:

clock_date_style: "color: $white"
clock_time_style: "color: $purple"

That’s probably not the preferred way of doing it I guess.

No. not really. We’d prefer that you keep the changes at the dash level rather than change any of the skin CSS. At least during the beta.

Also, modifying anything in those directories will cause issues when you try to update for new code/bug fixes so it’s advisable to stay in the dash level for things like txt size and color.

If you really, REALLY want to alter a skin, copy it to the custom_css directory and rename it.

Cheers, I’ll do that and confine all my dossing there. I’m going to try a ‘portrait’ style one for a wall-mounted Pi screen :slight_smile:

Loving this new version, thanks!


Think I checked all the boxes. Stopped the running docker, rm the docker, made the code change, ran the build command, ran the docker run command(using the new image), checked that dash_url is (ip of server with docker), using in the browser. The websockets are failing with denied. Most likely something with docker. I did exec into the new running container and see the code change in the file.

@quadportnick ok, it was something with the build that i probably don’t completely grasp. It works now that I deleted the git clone, recloned, made the code change, reran docker run, etc. Probably not compiling the file with the change or something. I use docker but obviously don’t understand how the build works with changes to the files after the initial build.

St Louis Cardinals skin!!!

Eh, I’m not a sports guy though. And that would lead to an avalanche of “Do my team!!!” requests.

I don’t even know their team colors. Or for that matter which sport it is!!

Major League Baseball. I’m just answering your question. LOL

Understood. And I’m just being honest. :wink:

I don’t really follow sports at all, so probably not the best guy to do a sports skin.