Another component for ZiGate

I am sorry but with a cp2102 it’s problem
2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [zigate] discover_device ff00 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [zigate] no endpoints 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [zigate] REQUEST : 0x0045 ff00 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [zigate] Msg to send b'00450002b8ff00' 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [zigate] Encoded Msg to send b'0102104502100212b8ff021003' 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [zigate] Waiting for status message for command 0x0045 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (ZiGate-Listen) [zigate] Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15@\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10E\x02\x10\x03' 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (ZiGate-Event Loop) [zigate] Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (ZiGate-Decode data) [zigate] Received response 0x8000: b'80000045' 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (ZiGate-Decode data) [zigate] RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:128, sequence:0, packet_type:69, error:b'', lqi:0 2019-10-24 15:07:01 ERROR (ZiGate-Decode data) [zigate] Command 0x0045 failed Failed (ZigBee event codes) 80 : b'' 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (ZiGate-Decode data) [zigate] Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED 2019-10-24 15:07:01 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [zigate] STATUS code to command 0x0045:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:128, sequence:0, packet_type:69, error:b'', lqi:0

Home assistant on RPI4
Python 3.7
how to test my zigate on linux?
thank you for your help!

Double tap works fine with zigate.
For the rest i’m not a Big fan of the cube.
A lot of possibilities but in real life you map just 2 or 3 actions.

I agree with you @biau
It’s more of a novelty than anything else. What brand of cube do you have? the “mi” or “aqara”? Mine is aqara and I can’t seem to make the double tap work.
Any chance you would have some examples of a few automations to get me started?

on mine (aqara) to have double tap I have to really hit two times on the table

it works better with the update made under windows 10 and the cp2102 with erase all. before I can update it under linux …

Same for me

ahh … that now make sense and it’s working for me. I though that you would just tap the top of the cube twice. Thanks guys … now any chance that anyone can point me towards automation examples? Maybe at least just to see how to configure triggers.

Would something like this work?

  - platform: event
    event_type: cube_action
      entity_id: sensor.zigate_cube_livingroom_movement
      action_type: flip90_10

A little feedback and full of questions

after a painstaking start
Update under debian does not work properly
under win10 with a complete erase, it’s ok. it’s hard to say that when you’re a Linux pro

I took the risk of testing 4 sensors
2 heiman co sensor
1 Heiman smoke detector
1 xiaomi door opening detector

not easy to wake the sensors to make a good discovery …
the result is there but why failed in the log and problems of templates.
is it discovered completely complete?
what binary sensor should he be monitoring now? how to test the sensors? I will not make a fire to test, lol
Thank you for your reply

try something like this

- id: '1543652298631'
  alias: cube_on
  - entity_id: sensor.zigate_00158d0002564e08_movement
    platform: state
    to: flip90_05
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: light.zigate_7cb03eaa00a895ce_3
    service: light.turn_on

it should primary work on linux… since not tested (by me) on Windows
what version of python, pyserial did you try on Debian ?

I’ll try to look at you log asap could you provide log in debug mode ?

To try your smoke sensor, you have to make some smoke… try with incense if you have

J’ai utilisé win10 uniquement pour mettre à jour le firmware zigate 31a
This log is
tail -f homeassistant.log |grep zigate
Python 3.7.3 (default, Apr 3 2019, 05:39:12)
[GCC 8.2.0] on linux
on Raspbian GNU/Linux 10

Hi @doudz, I’m doubting to buy a ZiGate Wifi. Only question: is it compatible with Home Assistant, as I read that the wifi module is quite buggy (and the issue is still open)? Or is this solved already?


I don’t see open issue about wifi.
Well, the zigate wifi is not as stable as other zigate, but it works well most of the time.
ZiGate Wifi is not supported by zha right now

Hello @doudz do you suggest using zha library or zigate custom module?
I’m having a bit of problems with disappearing devices and I can’t manage to solve them.

good question, hard to answer
I don’t use zha myself mainly because I want some function unavailable in zha, like zigate firmware upgrade
zha is ready to use and probably more user friendly, so if you want something well integrated in HA, simple to use you should probably give a try to zha

Here is the open issue about that:

I guess there are no other options if I don’t want to use a Rpi/nuc/… I really would like a standalone device connecting to WiFi without proprietary software…

Yes the wifi module is not perfect, but the wifi firmware 2.x gives good results, better than 1.3

Ok, thanks for your answer. What happens if it disconnects? Will it reconnect automatically to the WiFi and also in Home Assistant? Because I’m using an IKEA gateway right now, which stays Unavailable forever, until I reset it myself. :disappointed_relieved:

it should reconnect automatically

I tried to add an Iris Motion Sensor #0388557 and although it did pair, it seems like this motion sensor is not supported. It reports the state of the battery, but the device itself always shows “unknown”, so my question is, how to I completely clean this up? I tried zigate.remove_device and specified the device_id, but it’s not going away.

in my /config directory I have 2 zigate files, zigate.json and zigate.json.0 . (do I need both of them?) . I tried to manually delete:

            "addr": "63fb",
            "discovery": "",
            "endpoints": [],
            "generictype": "",
            "info": {
                "addr": "63fb",
                "ieee": "000d6f000315bfab",
                "lqi": 0,
                "mac_capability": "10000000"

in both files, but no luck, it still comes back.
I also deleted the entry in /config/.storage/core.entity_devices.
Restarted everything and it is still there. What am I missing?