No worries, I have exactly the same problem - no email notifications, so I had no idea you replied until I logged in again
Right now, I am looking for a way to integrate my findings into HomeAssistant. I did take a look at the documentation and the dev env, but writing a full-fledged integration is definitely above my skill level. So until I find someone more experienced with HAss development who can help, that project is on hold.
However, huangyq23 (the developer of the project linked above, anova-oven-forwarder ) came up with another very interesting solution - using MQTT to integrate the data into HAss. So right now I am exploring that possibility
So I figured out the email notifications, you have to go to Profile > Preferences > Emails and then enable “Email me when I am quoted, replied to, my @username is mentioned, or when there is new activity in my watched categories, tags or topics”.
I’ll take a look and see if I can setup an integration, I know python but still haven’t grokked home assistant integrations.
FWIW after doing a bunch of digging it turns out that the author of the current anova integration in core has a library which already does 50% of what is necessary here and is working on a rewrite which should unlock the missing pieces.
I have used anova wifi implementation as reference and was able to connect to the oven from HA and get some sensors. But not sure if it’s simple to make PR the original repository, so decided to start with a new repo. I think will be able to give some results in a week.
Are you using the Lash-L/anova-wifi package? It really doesn’t seem architected for web socket polling updates. I was re-working it and actually now leaning towards starting from scratch instead of using that package, but I also don’t want to duplicate your effort too if you have it polling correctly.
No, I use anova-wifi as reference because it’s my first integration for HA. Work with ws have to rewrite and it’s main reason to create a separate repository. Will try to publish soon.
I cannot describe how happy I am to see an actual integration showing up! Thank you! I cannot wait to get back to my HAss installation and try it out!
By the way, you could actually turn this into “THE” integration for Anova devices, because the same API will also allow status and control for precision cookers
You might be better off starting with simpler tasks, in order to get used to HA and its interface.
I am not saying this to discourage you - it is simply that the APO is still a work in progress (Anova refuses to open/document any part of their API, and as a result all we have so far are bits and pieces put together by various enthusiasts), and as a result some things might not work properly. Even worse, Anova has a history of making sudden and undocumented changes to their API, so things may suddenly break “for no reason”. If you are just getting started with HA, it will be much easier to start with some more… open/compatible hardware
That being said, if you still want to get started with the APO, the repo above has instructions in their READMEs - see the “Installation” section.
I have installed the custom repository and integration with the appropriate api/token information and have access to all of the sensors; however, I am unclear as how to access the service menu to start/control the oven. This may be something quite simple I’m not understanding, but after entering the three strings of information and choosing F, I am only left with access to the sensors. My apologies for what I’m sure is a mistake of my own. I’m running HA via container fwiw. Thank you for your amazing work.