Sorry for not replying at the weekend.
RE: “Fixing storage production today” - I’m one of the maintainers of the Growatt Integration for HASS, so I know all of it’s inner workings I can take a look through and see what’s missing.
What I don’t fully understand is how the “Storage” type of Growatt systems work. In the picture you’ve posted of the Growatt Dashboard it says that you’ve generated 7.4KWH solar, but you’ve also “Charged” the same amount, does that mean all of what you’ve generated has gone straight into the batteries? Since you’ve imported 0kwh from the grid I don’t fully understand.
If you look at your numbers on the Growatt Dashboard:
7.4kwh Solar
0 kwh imported from grid
7.4kwh Charged i.e. All your solar has been diverted into the batteries
3.7kwh Discharged i.e. your load has consumed 3.7kwh from the batteries
6.0kwh load consumption
The 6.0kwh load consumption confuses me:
- 3.7kwh of it has come from the batteries
- Where has the other 2.4kwh come from??? You haven’t imported anything and 100% of your solar has gone to charging you batteries.
It’s all a bit confusing, if you’re able to clarify the stats on the growatt dashboard (ignore home assistant) I may be able to work out what stats need to be plumbed through.