Anyone experience with connecting a Growatt solar-inverter?

For those of you that do not use the default:

Can you tell me what server you DO use?
I’m already aware of:

I’m asking because the home-assistant team have asked me to use a dropdown/choice of options in the implementation rather than a free-form text field.

Hi All,

I’ve had confirmation from @pkozul that the new “choice” functionality works in the latest release, so those of you that want to use alternative servers can now do so. If there are any alternative servers you want to use in the future, let me know either in here or via a DM.

In other topics, I’ve been tagged in a couple of tickets about the new “energy” functionality in the Lovelace UI: Energy Cards - Home Assistant

I’m tracking progress against that functionality here: Growatt - Add support for Energy Integration · Issue #53963 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Big thank you to @muppet3000 for implementing this!

@trippfam07 This should hopefully be the solution for you as well.

Thank you very much.

Also for battery integration you will provide for us.

Coincidentally, I just received my solar equipment and tried to install the integration using the HA UI this morning and it is aborting due to lack of plants found. I did register and create a plan a day before. I assume this is because the server is incorrect (likely should be Thus I landed here and according to your message 1d ago the new choice functionality works in the latest release however I am not prompted to pick an alternate server. Does HA not automatically pull the latest release at the time I attempt to add integration? Thanks.

I also only recently started using HA but I just updated core and OS and now I am presented with server option but I have a new problem. When I try to log in using “” I get “Unknown error occurred”

I confirmed the server is the correct one for me by paying attention to the redirect when signing in to via web browser.

Hi Chad,

Have you tried logging into the “” web page directly?
Once you’ve logged in, can you please send a screen-grab of the bit in the top left where it tells you what system you have.

We currently only support a small subset of the system types, so it needs to appear in that list in order to work with the integration.

Hi @sender , do you have any update on the esphome connection to the growatt modbus?

I am not sure this has what you ask. I am not sure what you mean by system type. Its Growatt inverters?

Currently I have 3 data loggers registered. The system is not yet live so there is no generated data. Could this be the result of not having data to present? I would expect a different reaction.

Thanks for the effort on this issue…But now I am running into the same problem.

Thanks Chad (sorry for the delayed response).

The “type” is the one that’s shown in the “Device Type” on the screen grab you posted - it looks like it’s a system that we support.

Do you have a single or multiple inverters?

Has the system now got data going through it?

Hi Corey,

Have you confirmed that you can log into that same URL on the webpage?

If you can, can you please send me a screen grab like chester40391 has above? I need to check that your system is one that we support.

Yes I have …

So I tried updating the core to the newest and also the operating system and it did not help. Just FYI

Thanks Corey,

That’s odd, we definitely support Storage & Inverter types. I’ve noticed you’re using the insecure (http) version of the web page. Can you test it with the secure version (https) as well?
I’m nervous that maybe accounts either exist on one or the other, not both - that would be really odd!!!

Beyond that I may have to take a look at how your specific account works (the same goes for @chester40391 too) which we can do in a number of ways, the easiest (although most worrying, is sharing your Growatt creds with me in a DM so that I can try and run a load of debug against them).

Try the HTTPS version of the webpage first and we’ll go from there.

I just tried the secure version and it worked on my side. I would be happy to share my details with you. Just dm me and I will reply back.

How would you like to go about this to get my details?

Hi, is it possible to get this card for my growatt in dashboard?

If possible can you please direct me an a direction

Hi @johnfjh1976,

This functionality has been implemented now for Growatt and will be in the next release of Home-Assistant.
If you’re running the dockerised version you can upgrade to “dev” now and it will be there.

Here’s a screengrab of my system running it now:

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Hi Corey, really sorry I completely missed this message, no email notifications or anything.

I’ll DM you now.