Anyone integrated Smartthings into Hassio yet?

I still cant control any smartthings devices from HA, but when i control them with my smartthings app, they are correctly updated in HA. I probably just need a second set of eyes and am missing something simple.

info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/switch/cmd = on
info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 2/switch/cmd = on
info: Saving current state
info: Subscribing to smartthings/Visonic Sensor 1/temperature/cmd, smartthings/Contacts/notify/cmd, smartthings/System/notify/cmd
info: Saving current state
info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/switch/state = on
info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/switch/state = on
info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/switch/state = off
info: Saving current state
info: Subscribing to smartthings/Bedside 1/switch/cmd, smartthings/Bedside 2/switch/cmd, smartthings/Entryway 1/switch/cmd, smartthings/Entryway 2/switch/cmd, smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/switch/cmd, smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 2/switch/cmd, smartthings/Contacts/notify/cmd, smartthings/System/notify/cmd
info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/switch/cmd = on
info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 2/switch/cmd = on
info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/switch/cmd = on
info: Saving current state
info: Subscribing to smartthings/Visonic Sensor 1/temperature/cmd, smartthings/Contacts/notify/cmd, smartthings/System/notify/cmd
info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 2/switch/cmd = on

Any from my configs:

- platform: mqtt
  name: 'Upstairs Hallway 1'
  state_topic: "smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/switch/state"
  command_topic: "smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/switch/cmd"
  brightness_command_topic: "smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/level/cmd"
  brightness_state_topic: "smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 1/level/state"
  brightness_scale: 99
  brightness_value_template: '{{ value }}'
  payload_on: "on"
  payload_off: "off"
  retain: true

- platform: mqtt
  name: 'Upstairs Hallway 2'
  state_topic: "smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 2/switch/state"
  command_topic: "smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 2/switch/cmd"
  brightness_command_topic: "smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 2/level/cmd"
  brightness_state_topic: "smartthings/Upstairs Hallway 2/level/state"
  brightness_scale: 99
  brightness_value_template: '{{ value }}'
  payload_on: "on"
  payload_off: "off"
  retain: true

Looks right to me. verify your pi mac address, on the smart app

Im using hassio and dont have root access to the pi at this time it seems, so trying to verify the bridges mac address. I did notice this little oddity. Seems i have two bridges listed here, both with different id’s. One has my switches assigned to it and the other seems to just have a temperature sensor. They all show in hass though.

Its listed twice here, but only once in smartapps.

Anyone? Im really banging my head on this issue. Im hoping I dont have to, but I am thinking maybe I need to factory reset my smartthings and start from scratch.

I wouldn’t factory reset your Smartthings just yet, but I would delete the Bridge device, SmartApp, device handler from Smartthings, and uninstall the Smartthings Bridge and MQTT broker from Home Assistant, and then restart the tutorial. I thought I fixed my issue of HA not communicating to ST by fixing the MAC address listed in the bridge device preferences in ST. But, after updating that and restarting HA, nothing happened. Eventually I just uninstalled all devices, apps and add-ons and followed my tutorial again, and it worked, after reboots of HA and ST.

When you start the process over again, I would check that things are working at these steps:

  1. After installing the MQTT broker and Smartthings bridge, check logs in both add-ons and see that they are connecting properly
  2. After installing the ST device handler, device, smartApp and configure the SmartApp to select all ST devices to communicate with, check the ST live logging and SmartthingsBridge log to see that ST is communicating to the Smartthings bridge. This is a one-way communication right now since you haven’t configured any devices in HA to turn on a light in ST, yet.
  3. After creating a light or switch in HA, this is the final test to see if HA can communicate to ST. If something doesn’t work here, maybe it is your light or switch configuration in HA.

The only thing I see different with mine is that im using port 2080 for the bridge instead of 8080. The IP, mac listed are for the pi that hassio is running on. My pi’s ip address is and ive verified the mac address by checking the arp tables. ST can obviously communicate just fine with HA as its correctly pushing changes to it. I just see zero activity in the ST logs when i try to turn something on in HA. When i switch a light in HA to on, it simply tries for a second and then goes back to off.

This is what my smart app looks like.

I find it odd that it says pending for last scheduled run. i also find it odd that while in the smart app on mobile, you cant seem to edit an existing one. When i go to the mqtt bridge in mobile, it simply allows me to save a new one.

I had a similar issue. In ST make sure the device id is the Max address of the pi minus the Colons.

I have everything working now. I abandoned the hassio addon and setup docker on my media server and use the bridge version directly from st john and it pretty much worked out of the box. Pretty frustrating that I wasted so much time with the hassio addon not knowing it was so out of date and match with the current docs.

Hi, I followed the tutorial and I believe I have everything setup correctly but when I try and create the Smart App in my phone and try to save it spins and spins and eventually fails but if I got back to the SmartThings IDE I see the app under my device in the “in use by section”. If I try to save it a second time it spins and spins and fails and I see a second duplicate app in the “in use by section”.

Any thoughts? I used to 2080 port, the IP of my RP3, and the mac address of the RP3 with colons, not sure that matters.

Actually, I just checked it and the smart app is on my phone under automation and I only see one app under devices in the ST IDE but I’m still not seeing any logs come through so something isn’t right.

Ok, I found a wrong port number and I removed the colons from my MAC and that seems to have done something. It’s weird, I still get an error saving config changes in the IOS smart app but the config changes do seem to take. I still need to add my devices into my config but I’m making progress.

I have this ST Bridge setup and working well for some switches and virtual switches, but can’t figure out what entry to put into my .yaml files to track and control my ST Presence devices? I have the standard smartphone based presence and I created two simulated presence detectors, all of which I can see sending messages to the ST MQTT hub so I know the naming of them, but can’t figure out how to correctly add them to the HASSIO config?

I assume they need to go under the device tracker section, but can’t seem to get the config to not error.

I wouldn’t assume that a Smartthings presence sensor would be a Home Assistant device tracker. It may just be a Home Assistant binary sensor, since Smartthings presence sensor reports two states: away and home. I would try setting it up as a binary sensor in Home Assistant.

great tutorial! I was able to get this working in about 4 hours (would have been 2 hours if I paid attention to the fact that device names are Case Sensetive). In any case, I am able to turn my dimmer switches on and off from HA, but not able to use the dimmer functionality . Heres the config I am using, any ideas?
platform: mqtt
name: ‘Office Lights’
state_topic: “smartthings/Office Lights/switch/state”
command_topic: “smartthings/Office Lights/switch/cmd”
brightness_command_topic: “smartthings/Office Lights/level/cmd”
brightness_state_topic: “smartthings/Office Lights/level/state”
brightness_scale: 99
brightness_value_template: ‘{{ value }}’
payload_on: “on”
payload_off: “off”
retain: true

I tried replacing “switch” with “dimmer” which didnt work, also tried “light” which did not work either. Once I get this working , it will be on to migrating another 90+ smartthings devices over…

Sounds like some of the same issues I have are in this thread. I’ve had no issues connecting many off/on devices but it seems when I go to add the dimmer switches or bulbs that’s when the wheels fall off. It will work for up/down dimming but when I go to turn it back on it won’t turn on.

I also had to change mine to have retain: false instead of true as it kept randomly turning my lights back on for some odd reason. I haven’t had this issue since I switched to false.

I’m curious, why do so many people seem to have /state and /cmd at the end of their topics? I’ve never had these and have never had any issues controlling my devices and recieiving updates properly.

Are both ways actually valid? Is there any reason to use one over the other?

Edit: Never mind my first question. I see that it’s a setting in the SmartThings bridge. My second question still stands though, are there reasons people prefer to use the suffixes?

I have a bunch of the exact same switches throughout my house and have only gotten a couple to work. These are the GE z-wave toggle switches that control my lights in the given room/area.

I was able to see the state and command topics though the SmartThingsBridge log (Coach and Foyer) when I turned the switches on and off, but I do not see the others (Kitchen and Theater) being logged when I turn them off. I assume every time I turn a switch on/off, I should see logging at the SmartTHingsBridge. Please help!


  • platform: mqtt (WORKS)
    name: “Coach Lights”
    state_topic: “smartthings/Coach Lights/switch/state”
    command_topic: “smartthings/Coach Lights/switch/cmd”
    payload_on: “on”
    payload_off: “off”
    retain: true

  • platform: mqtt (WORKS)
    name: “Foyer Lights”
    state_topic: “smartthings/Foyer Lights/switch/state”
    command_topic: “smartthings/Foyer Lights/switch/cmd”
    payload_on: “on”
    payload_off: “off”
    retain: true

  • platform: mqtt (NOT WORKING)
    name: “Kitchen Lights”
    state_topic: “smartthings/Kitchen Lights/switch/state”
    command_topic: “smartthings/Kitchen Lights/switch/cmd”
    payload_on: “on”
    payload_off: “off”
    retain: true

  • platform: mqtt (NOT WORKING)
    name: “Theater Lights”
    state_topic: “smartthings/Theater Lights/switch/state”
    command_topic: “smartthings/Theater Lights/switch/cmd”
    payload_on: “on”
    payload_off: “off”
    retain: true

Worked great for me! Thanks for this!