Anyone looked into using Electronic Price Tag screens with HA?

it is based on an ESP32, so 2.4 GHz only

The instructions will be on the AP display when you turn it on. It quite straight forward. The display will ask you to connect to its Wifi (so the AP will create a hotspot at first). Once you do that, you can then go to the webinterface (the address will also be on the display).

In the webinterface you can configure it to connect to your Wifi. Once that is done, reboot the AP and it will be on your wifi.

Then install the HA integration, add the IP of the AP (which will also be displayed on the AP) and you are set to go.

The most difficult part of the whole setup was actually to understand how to get the batteries out of the displays. But the back is just clicked on, so you can just take it off with a bit of force. Oh yeah and have a paperclip or a bit of wire ready. You need to short the battery contacts for it to reboot.


Used This trick to ensure the Tags boot correctly

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If you have some tags and an access point, you might also like my script/automation to remind me which bins go out on each day …


There’s some info on the FAQ on the OEPL Wiki that covers this.


Does OpenEpaperLink operate over ZigBee? / Can I use my existing ZigBee stick as an Access Point?

  • OpenEpaperLink employs IEEE 802.15.4 packets for transport, much like Zigbee. However, OpenEpaperLink is an entirely distinct protocol. The protocol itself is intentionally basic due to the inherent limitations of the tags. These tags possess minimal CPU power, necessitating a conservative use of the radio to extend battery life. In contrast, Zigbee is a considerably more complex protocol, rendering it unsuitable for the capabilities of these tags.

In theory, it’s possible to reflash a ZigBee coordinator with firmware that enables its use in conjunction with a Python script, which would replace the ESP component of the conventional Access Point. However, you will lose the Zigbee functionality of the coordinator.


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Have created a Dashboard to display the tag images , to help in editing and amending tags

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Does anyone know if there is something like the openepaperlink mini ap v3 available in Europe?
Not sure I want to go down the DIY road…

My package arrived from NL! It took just over a week to USA. I can’t wait to get going on the implementation.


Have fun :).

I did notice after using it now for some time that the refresh will drains the battery, so I am now on a refresh every half hour.

Still remains a very cool addition to my home automation.

service: open_epaper_link.lines4
  line1: " Guest Wi-Fi:"
  line2: "Family Guest "
  line3: " Voucher Code: "
  line4: "01234-56789"
  border: r
  format1: lbbw
  format2: mrrw
  format3: lbbw
  format4: mrrw
  entity_id: open_epaper_link.000002827b92xxxx
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The mini ap v3 in your link is shipped from The Netherlands. Only not in stock at the moment.

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How / where to I change the check in time?


I dont understand your question. I just have an automation running in HA that triggers every half hour. This is what I use:

alias: Epaper
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /30
  - condition: time
    after: "05:00:00"
    before: "23:00:00"
      - sat
      - fri
      - thu
      - wed
      - tue
      - mon
      - sun
  - service: open_epaper_link.lines4
      line1: >-
        {{ states('') | string }}   {{ states('sensor.time') | string
      line2: >-
        Z: {{as_timestamp(states.sun.sun.attributes.next_rising) |
        timestamp_custom(" %H:%M") | string }}/{{
        as_timestamp(states.sun.sun.attributes.next_setting) |
        timestamp_custom(" %H:%M") | string }}
      line3: >-
        N: {{ states('sensor.openweathermap_condition') | string }}/{{
        states('sensor.openweathermap_feels_like_temperature') | string }}c
      line4: >-
        V: {{ states('sensor.openweathermap_forecast_condition') | string }}/{{
        states('sensor.openweathermap_forecast_precipitation_probability') |
        string }}%/{{ states('sensor.openweathermap_forecast_temperature') |
        string }}c
      border: r
      format1: rbrw
      format2: lwrb
      format3: lwrb
      format4: lwrb
      entity_id: open_epaper_link.00000282.........
    enabled: true
mode: single

If you want to make it with a QR code, you could use this python script I created: J-o-h-n-M/ePaperImageGenerator: generates images for the 2.9 inch epaper displays (

It works for the 2.9 inch displays

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Oh I see. I thought you were updating how often the epaper display checks in with home base.

I’ve got an automation that refreshes the epaper when my Guest Wi-Fi code changes. That might only be monthly.

I thought it might be this but it doesn’t change the check in to home base time

Ah ok, no You could also change this setting “Maximum sleep” to half an hour or hour to save battery probably.

Understood. I was on 40 seconds.

I’m wondering if I change that if I can have a mix of tags that are on 40s and some on perhaps much longer.

EDIT: Maybe the TimeToLive setting in my screenshot above would work if I increase the maximum.

EDIT: No, that does not seem to increase the check in time.

EDIT: Actually… the check in time is creeping up over time.