Apop's Home Assistant Setup and Other Resources

Happens to the best of us. :laughing:

Do you have a location I can find this? @Holdestmade

I couldn’t find it either so I just went into Photoshop and created a blank .png file of the correct dimensions and used that.

I thought of that but what are the correct dimensions?

I ended up using 3 cm wide x .5 cm high. I don’t know if the actual dimensions are critical but just the ratio.

and to get the right color I used the same color as my theme’s “paper-card-background-color:”. I didn’t try a transparent image so I don’t know if that would work.

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So I decided on this:


Note the top row… Reset HACS just marks all components as viewed so no ‘new’ badge after I restart. The Restart icon is ‘locked’ so I have to hit it twice so no accidental button presses and the Theme switches themes from my themes.yaml package and is also ‘locked’ I haven’t included the yaml for the top row here.

Actually… thinking about it… I should remove the groups button seeing as I don’t have and/use them. Might move restart to that row… or not…

          - type: entities
            title: Check Configuration
            show_header_toggle: false
              - entity: script.check_config
              - entity: sensor.config_result
                icon: mdi:home-assistant
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: custom:button-card
                entity_picture: /local/images/icons8-source-code-80.png
                show_entity_picture: true
                name: Core
                  action: call-service
                  service: homeassistant.reload_core_config
              - type: custom:button-card
                entity_picture: /local/images/icons8-variation-80.png
                show_entity_picture: true
                name: Groups
                  action: call-service
                  service: group.reload
              - type: custom:button-card
                entity_picture: /local/images/icons8-automation-80.png
                show_entity_picture: true
                name: Automations
                  action: call-service
                  service: automation.reload
              - type: custom:button-card
                entity_picture: /local/images/icons8-note-80.png
                show_entity_picture: true
                name: Scripts
                  action: call-service
                  service: script.reload

How are you doing this? I didn’t know of a way to mark all components as viewed short of actually clicking them all, but maybe I missed something in the documentation.

hahaha… I use a shell command here:

  resethacs: /bin/bash /config/reset_new_hacs.sh

and a bash script in /config reset_new_hacs.sh

cd "$(dirname "$0")"
sed -i 's#"new": true#"new": false#g' .storage/hacs

Make sure the script is executable.

You will need to restart Home Assistant after you run it.

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Any idea why I see this in my logs for hass.io? (The system log)?

19-07-21 23:42:22 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize
19-07-21 23:42:22 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3
19-07-21 23:42:22 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

I did notice in appdaemon.yaml there is a token:

  threads: 10
  app_dir: /config/appdaemon/apps
      type: hass
      ha_url: http://hassio/homeassistant
      token: 9e9ab755**********************************ebc5c96e05c41caf5b

Was I supposed to make my own one of those? Your config checker seems to be working…

Not 100% sure… are you getting the errors regularly or just once in awhile?

pretty much continually

The Hass.io add-on should take care of all the configuration automatically, so you shouldn’t have to modify the token. Occasionally I’ll see the connection refused message in that log but usually it’s a symptom of a broader issue (and usually fixed by a restart).

Otherwise, if you’re continuing to see that, you may need to log an issue on the add-on repo.

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This might be a stupid question but are none of you using packages? I thought you couldn’t reload automations, scripts etc. if you were. Or has something changed?

I’m not using packages.

I use packages. I think they don’t get reloaded but they don’t get removed like they used to either.

Its just a box sized 2000x489.

new version works great, thanks


I use packages for a few things that logically need to be grouped together but I also use automation and scripts outside of packages too.

Either way this is really useful. Now I can just do all of the stuff I need to do from one spot without excess scrolling and clicking around to different pages. And the buttons with nice icons are another added benefit. :slightly_smiling_face:

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So I get 6 of those errors only when I restart Home Assistant. I think the Appdaemon is just not ready for connections for a little while and then when it starts communicating there are no more errors.

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Just tried the folder_watcher option and as expected it only reacts on configuration.yaml changes. I have my config split out so need to monitor the whole folder with all my yamls for changes.

I changed this:

self.listen_event(self.config_throttle, "folder_watcher", file="configuration.yaml")

to this:

self.listen_event(self.config_throttle, "folder_watcher", folder="/config")

and it now does just that.

Is the script button disabled when folder_watcher is enabled ?

Good catch! I’ll work on getting support for split configs added in the next release.

Yes, with version 0.3.0, I set it up so that if folder_watcher is set up in the app configuration, the app will only listen for events from folder_watcher and will not watch for the script to be kicked off. My thinking on that was that since the check will run anytime the config file is updated, the script would be redundant. However, if you have a use case I’m missing for both methods to be enabled concurrently, let me know and I can tweak the functionality.

For now, I’m adding some additional clarifying text to the readme around both of these items.