Thanks for this excellent sample. I’ve added some more possibilities to this:
Short overview of the current possibilites:
- turn on light on motion
- have several disable switches for each thread
- turn of all entities of last activated scene if timeout ocured
- several motion sensors per thread
have a look on the settings in the yaml and you’ll see what’s possible - but it’s still in development
import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
import appdaemon.plugins.hass
import threading
App to automatically turn lights on/off for a certain time depending on the input of one or multiple motions sensors.
light_entity - the light/switch that shall be controlled
motion_entities - a list of motion sensors
lux_entity (optional) - the sensor that returns the current illuminance
lux_limit (optional) - the light will not be turned on if the lux_entity returns a value smaller than the lux_limit
light_timeout (optional) - the time in seconds after which the lights shall be turned off. Each motion event restarts the timer
transition (optional) - the time in seconds to reach final brightness
restart_timer (optional) - yes - restart in any case!!
- motion - restart only if motion activated light!! - this is the default
- no - no !!
brightness_entity (optional) - entity for brightness setting
brightness (optional) - brighntess
countdown_entity (optional) - a timer entity that can be used for the timeout handling. If this entity is set, the light_timeout argument will be ignored, because the entity already has its own timeout
disable_motion_sensor_entities (optional) - switch entities that can enable/disable the automatic light on/off handling
somebody_is_home_entity (optional) - only switch lights when somebody is home
Scene Stuff -
scene_on_activate_clear_timer - if on clears_timer of lights
scene_timeout - if scene is activated or called this is the scene timeout only in combination with scene_on_activate_clear_timer
scene_entity - if on clears_timer of lights
scene_listen_entities - listens for this scenes if activated
Changes from stoellchen:
lux_limit changed from int to float
motion_entity changed to motion_entities and checking lights to switch on or off
disable_motion_sensor_entity switched to list room-disable and global disable
# Example:
# WohnzimmerMotionLight:
# module: smartlight
# class: SmartLight
# light_entities:
# - light.wand
# - light.sideboard_rechts
# - light.sideboard_links
# somebody_is_home_entity:
# motion_entities:
# - binary_sensor.ms1
# lux_entity: sensor.ms1
# lux_limit: 30
# brightness_entity: sensor.template_motion_sensor_light_brightness
# light_timeout: 300
# disable_motion_sensor_entities:
# - input_boolean.disable_wohnzimmer_motion
class SmartLight(hass.Hass):
def initialize(self):
self.__single_threading_lock = threading.Lock()
self._light_entities = self.args.get('light_entities', None)
self._motion_entities = self.args.get('motion_entities', None)
self._lux_entity = self.args.get('lux_entity', None)
self._lux_limit = int(self.args.get('lux_limit', 0))
self._brightness_entity = self.args.get('brightness_entity', None)
self._brightness = int(self.args.get('brightness', 100))
self._light_timeout = int(self.args.get('light_timeout', 0))
self._transition = int(self.args.get('transition',0))
self._countdown_entity = self.args.get('countdown_entity', None)
self._restart_timer = self.args.get('restart_timer', 'motion')
self._restart_timer_state = "-"
self._disable_motion_sensor_entities = self.args.get('disable_motion_sensor_entities', None)
self._somebody_is_home = self.args.get('somebody_is_home_entity', None)
self._scene_on_activate_clear_timer = self.args.get('scene_on_activate_clear_timer', None)
self._scene_entity = self.args.get('scene_entity', None)
self._scene_timeout = int(self.args.get('scene_timeout', 18000))
self._scene_listen_entities = self.args.get('scene_listen_entities', None)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
self.log("Invalid Configuration", level="ERROR")
if type(self._motion_entities) is not list:
self.log('motion_entities must be a list of entities', level="ERROR")
if type(self._light_entities) is not list:
self.log('light entities must be a list of entities.', level="ERROR")
if self._lux_limit > 0 and self._lux_entity is None:
self.log('lux_limit given but no lux_entity specified', level="ERROR")
if self._transition <= 0:
self.log('_transiton <=0 0 will be used', level="INFO")
self._transition = 0
elif self._transition >= 120:
self.log('transition >120 120 will be used', level="INFO")
self._transition = 120
self.log('transition {} will be used'.format( self._transition ), level="INFO")
if self._brightness is None:
self.log('brightness not given 100 will be used', level="INFO")
self._brightness = 100
if self._brightness <=0:
self.log('brightness <=0 20 will be used', level="INFO")
self._brightness = 20
elif self._brightness >100:
self.log('brightness >100 100 will be used', level="INFO")
self._brightness = 100
self.log('brightness {} will be used'.format( self._brightness ), level="INFO")
# self._brightness = 100
if self._brightness_entity is None:
self.log("brighntes_sensor is None - brightness {} will be used".format( self._brightness ), level="INFO")
self.log('brightness from {} will be used current {}' .format(self._brightness_entity,self.get_state( self._brightness_entity )) , level="INFO")
if self._countdown_entity is not None and self._light_timeout > 0:
self.log('light_timeout will be ignored, because a countdown_entity is given. The timeout of the entity '+self._countdown_entity+ " will be used instead.", level="WARNING")
if self._somebody_is_home is None:
self.log("Somebody_is_home doesn't matter", level="WARNING")
if self._countdown_entity is None and self._light_timeout == 0:
self.log('No timeout given. 5s will be used by default.', level="WARNING")
self._light_timeout = 5
if self._restart_timer == 'motion':
self.log('restart timer when motion activated')
elif self._restart_timer == 'no':
self.log('Do NOT restart timer even when motion is detected')
elif self._restart_timer == 'yes':
self.log('Restart timer even when motion is detected')
self._restart_timer = 'motion'
self.log('Restart timer default: motion activeded' ,level="WARNING")
if self._disable_motion_sensor_entities is None:
self.log('disable motion sensor(s) not defined .', level="WARNING")
if type(self._disable_motion_sensor_entities) is not list:
self._disable_motion_sensor_entities = None
self.log('disable motion sensor(s) must be a list of entities .', level="WARNING")
if self._scene_on_activate_clear_timer is None:
self._scene_on_activate_clear_timer ="off"
elif self._scene_on_activate_clear_timer != "clear":
self._scene_on_activate_clear_timer ="off"
self.log('Scene - cancel timer:{}'. format(self._scene_on_activate_clear_timer) , level="INFO")
if self._scene_entity is not None:
if self.get_state(self._scene_entity) == "scening":
self.log('Scene {} instead of lights.'.format(self._scene_entity), level="INFO")
except (ValueError, TypeError):
self.log('Scene {} does not exist.'.format(self._scene_entity), level="WARNING")
self._scene_entity = None
if self._scene_timeout is None:
self.log('scene timout not given 18000 will be used', level="INFO")
self._scene_timeout = 18000
if self._scene_timeout <=0:
self.log('Scene timeout <=20 20 will be used', level="INFO")
self._scene_timeout = 20
elif self._scene_timeout >43200:
self.log('Scene timeout >43200 43200 will be used', level="INFO")
self._scene_timeout = 43200
self.log('Scene timeout {} will be used'.format( self._scene_timeout ), level="INFO")
if type(self._scene_listen_entities) is list:
self.log('Scene to listen {} will be used'.format( self._scene_listen_entities ), level="INFO")
self._timer = None
if self._countdown_entity is not None:
self.listen_event(self.turn_off_light, "timer.finished", entity_id = self._countdown_entity)
for light_entity in self._light_entities:
if self.get_state(light_entity) == "on":
self.log('light ' + light_entity + " is already on.")
if type(self._scene_listen_entities) is list:
for lscene_entity in self._scene_listen_entities:
if self.get_state( lscene_entity ) == "scening":
if tempStatus!='-':
# filter on entity does not work - we get all scenes - looking later for the correct scene
self.listen_event(self.scene_detected_callback, event='call_service', domain='scene', service='turn_on', entity_id = tempStatus ,new="also")
for motion_entity in self._motion_entities:
self.listen_state(self.motion_detected_callback, motion_entity, new="on")
if self._disable_motion_sensor_entities is not None:
for disable_entity in self._disable_motion_sensor_entities:
self.listen_state(self.motion_sensor_disabled_callback, disable_entity )
ambient_light = float(self.get_state(self._lux_entity) )
self.log("INITIALIZED: Ambient: {} ({}) for {}".format(ambient_light, self._lux_limit , self._lux_entity ))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
self.log("INITIALIZED: Could not get Ambient Light Level for " + self._lux_entity)
def is_motion_sensor_disabled(self):
if self._disable_motion_sensor_entities is not None:
for disable_entity in self._disable_motion_sensor_entities:
return self.get_state( disable_entity ) == "on"
return False
def motion_sensor_disabled_callback(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
self.log("Smartlights disabled: {}".format(self.is_motion_sensor_disabled()))
if self.is_motion_sensor_disabled():
self.stop_timer('Smartlight now disabled')
self.restart_timer('Smartlight now enabled')
def get_my_brightness(self):
if self._brightness_entity is None:
return self._brightness
return self.get_state( self._brightness_entity )
# def scene_detected_callback(self,entity_id,attribute,old,aa):
def scene_detected_callback(self,entity,attribute,kwargs):
def motion_detected_callback(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
def scene_detected(self ,entity,attribute,kwargs):
with self.__single_threading_lock: # prevents code from parallel execution e.g. due to multiple consecutive events
self.log("scene detected {}" . format( attribute['service_data']['entity_id'] ))
if attribute['service_data']['entity_id'] in self._scene_listen_entities:
self.stop_timer('motion scene')
self.log("timers stopped because of scene:{}" . format( attribute['service_data']['entity_id'] ))
self.start_timer('motion scene')
self.log("Do nothing we are not listening on this scene")
def motion_detected(self):
with self.__single_threading_lock: # prevents code from parallel execution e.g. due to multiple consecutive events
self.log("Motion detected " )
if self.is_motion_sensor_disabled():
self.log("... but motion sensor disabled")
if self._somebody_is_home is not None:
if self.get_state(self._somebody_is_home) != "home":
self.log("... but nobody is at home {}" .format( self.get_state(self._somebody_is_home) ) )
if self._lux_limit > 0:
ambient_light = float(self.get_state(self._lux_entity) )
if ambient_light >= self._lux_limit:
self.log("Ambient light:{} (lmt:{}) - do nothing - stop".format(ambient_light, self._lux_limit))
self.log("Ambient light:{} (lmt:{}) - go on".format(ambient_light, self._lux_limit))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
self.log("Could not get Ambient Light Level for " + self._lux_entity , level="WARNING")
# we start a scene and not lights!!!!
if self._scene_entity is not None:
if self.get_state(self._scene_entity) == "scening":
# self.turn_on( self._scene_entity )
# self.call_service( 'scene/turn_on', entity_id = self._scene_entity )
self.turn_on( self._scene_entity )
self.log("Scene {} turned on.".format( self._scene_entity ), level="INFO")
self._restart_timer_state ="motion scene"
self.restart_timer( self._restart_timer_state )
tempStatus ='no'
for light_entity in self._light_entities:
light_state = self.get_state( light_entity )
if light_state not in ['off', 'on']:
self.log("Invalid light state for {}: {}. Expecting either on or off.".format(light_entity,light_state), level="WARNING")
if (self._lux_limit == 0 or ambient_light <= self._lux_limit) and light_state == "off" and self._restart_timer_state !="motion scene":
self.turn_on_light( light_entity )
if tempStatus == 'no':
tempStatus ='motion light'
self._restart_timer_state ="motion light"
elif light_state == "on":
self.log('Light already ON ({}) - {}'.format(light_entity,self._restart_timer_state) )
if self._restart_timer_state == "motion light" or self._restart_timer == "yes":
self.log('Light already ON - restart state:{} - type:{}'.format( self._restart_timer_state , self._restart_timer ))
if tempStatus == 'no' or tempStatus !='motion light':
tempStatus ='just restart'
if tempStatus !='no':
def stop_timer(self,param):
if self._countdown_entity is not None:
self.call_service("timer/cancel", entity_id = self._countdown_entity)
self._restart_timer_state ="-"
def start_timer(self,param):
if self._countdown_entity is not None:
self.call_service("timer/start", entity_id = self._countdown_entity)
self.log("start_timer {}".format(entity_id) )
if param == "motion scene":
self._timer = self.run_in(self.turn_off_light, self._scene_timeout)
self.log("start_timer scene timeout:{} - {}".format( self._scene_timeout ,self._restart_timer_state) )
self._timer = self.run_in(self.turn_off_light, self._light_timeout)
self.log("start_timer light timeout:{} - {}".format( self._light_timeout,self._restart_timer_state ) )
def restart_timer(self , param ):
if self.is_motion_sensor_disabled():
self.log('Timer not restarted because smartlight disabled')
self.log('Restart timer {}'.format(param) )
def turn_on_light(self,light_entity):
light_entity_domain = light_entity.split(".")
if light_entity_domain[0] == "light":
self.turn_on( light_entity , brightness_pct = self.get_my_brightness() )
# self.turn_on( light_entity , brightness_pct = self.get_my_brightness() , transition = self._transition )
# self.call_service( 'light/turn_on', entity_id = light_entity , brightness_pct = self.get_my_brightness() , transition = self._transition)
self.log('Turning {} on - {} - brightness:{}% transition:{}' . format(light_entity_domain[0],light_entity,self.get_my_brightness() ,self._transition ))
self.log('Turning {} on - {}' . format(light_entity_domain[0],light_entity))
def turn_off_light(self, event_name = None, data = None, kwargs = None):
self.log('Timer expired')
self._timer = None
self._timer_restart_state = "-"
for light_entity in self._light_entities:
self.log('Turning light off -' + light_entity)
if light_entity.split(".")[0] =="light":
self.turn_off(light_entity,transition = self._transition)
self.turn_off(light_entity )
if self._last_scene_activated !='' and self._restart_timer_state=='motion scene':
entities_of_scene = self.get_state( self._last_scene_activated ,attribute = "all" )
self.log('shutting down all entities from scene {} timed out!!'.format(self._last_scene_activated))
for entity_id in entities_of_scene['attributes']['entity_id']:
if entity_id.split(".")[0] =="light":
self.log('turn off LIGHT: {}'.format(entity_id))
self.turn_off( entity_id )
elif entity_id.split(".")[0] =="switch":
self.log('turn off SWITCH: {}'.format(entity_id))
self.turn_off( entity_id )
except (ValueError, TypeError):
self.log('ERROR in scene shutdown !!' ,level="WARNING")
and my app.yaml for this looks:
module: smartlight
class: SmartLight
- light.wand
- light.sideboard_rechts
- light.sideboard_links
scene_on_activate_clear_timer: clear
scene_entity_NOTWORKING: scene.sideboard_bild_turkis
scene_timeout: 3600
- scene.hell
- scene.tv_blau
- scene.tromso_mit_licht_unten_blau_rot_dunkel
- scene.tromso_mit_licht_unten
- scene.sideboard_bild_turkis
- scene.tracey_lights
- binary_sensor.ms1
- binary_sensor.ms3
lux_entity: sensor.ms1
lux_limit: 10
brightness_entity: sensor.template_motion_sensor_light_brightness
transition: 10
light_timeout: 300
restart_timer: motion
- input_boolean.disable_wohnzimmer_motion
module: smartlight
class: SmartLight
- light.esszimmer_1
- light.kerze
- binary_sensor.ms2
lux_entity: sensor.ms2
lux_limit: 40
light_timeout: 300
restart_timer: motion
brightness_entity: sensor.template_motion_sensor_light_brightness
transition: 11
- input_boolean.disable_esszimmer_motion
module: smartlight
class: SmartLight
- light.bett_boden_links
- light.bett_boden
- binary_sensor.ms8
lux_entity: sensor.ms8
lux_limit: 5
brightness_entity: sensor.template_motion_sensor_light_brightness
light_timeout: 120
transition: 3
restart_timer: motion
- input_boolean.disable_schlafzimmer_motion
module: smartlight
class: SmartLight
- light.bett_boden
- light.bett_boden_links
- binary_sensor.ms5
lux_entity: sensor.ms5
lux_limit: 10
brightness_entity: sensor.template_motion_sensor_light_brightness
light_timeout: 30
transition: 3
restart_timer: motion
- input_boolean.disable_schlafzimmer_motion
module: smartlight
class: SmartLight
- switch.smart_plug_2
- binary_sensor.ms6
lux_entity: sensor.ms6
lux_limit: 60
brightness: 100
light_timeout: 120
transition: 0
restart_timer: motion
- input_boolean.disable_storagezimmer_motion
and the brightness sensor I use:
- platform: template
friendly_name: Motion Sensor Brightness pct
value_template: >-
{% if states.input_select.time_of_day.state == 'Afternoon' %}
{% elif states.input_select.time_of_day.state == 'Evening' %}
{% elif states.input_select.time_of_day.state == 'Night' %}
{% elif states.input_select.time_of_day.state == 'Morning' %}
{% if now().hour <= 05 %}
{% elif now().hour <= 06 %}
{% elif now().hour <= 07 %}
{% elif now().hour <= 08 %}
{% elif now().hour <= 09 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
I’m new to HA - I’ll need to have a look in summer to get the values better for all seasons
and here the log-file to see it in action:
2020-12-26 10:28:41.429979 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: restart timer when motion activated
2020-12-26 10:28:41.433818 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: Scene - cancel timer:off
2020-12-26 10:28:41.437165 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: Scene timeout 18000 will be used
2020-12-26 10:28:41.450299 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: INITIALIZED: Ambient: 1.0 (5) for sensor.ms8
2020-12-26 10:28:41.460329 INFO SchlafzimmerRechts: transition 3 will be used
2020-12-26 10:28:41.464320 INFO SchlafzimmerRechts: brightness 100 will be used
2020-12-26 10:28:41.470326 INFO SchlafzimmerRechts: brightness from sensor.template_motion_sensor_light_brightness will be used current 100
2020-12-26 10:28:41.474082 INFO SchlafzimmerRechts: restart timer when motion activated
2020-12-26 10:28:41.477622 INFO SchlafzimmerRechts: Scene - cancel timer:off
2020-12-26 10:28:41.480557 INFO SchlafzimmerRechts: Scene timeout 18000 will be used
2020-12-26 10:28:41.492487 INFO SchlafzimmerRechts: INITIALIZED: Ambient: 28.0 (10) for sensor.ms5
2020-12-26 10:28:41.501328 INFO Storage: _transiton <=0 0 will be used
2020-12-26 10:28:41.505582 INFO Storage: brightness 100 will be used
2020-12-26 10:28:41.510087 INFO Storage: brighntes_sensor is None - brightness 100 will be used
2020-12-26 10:28:41.514357 INFO Storage: restart timer when motion activated
2020-12-26 10:28:41.518261 INFO Storage: Scene - cancel timer:off
2020-12-26 10:28:41.521899 INFO Storage: Scene timeout 18000 will be used
2020-12-26 10:28:41.536490 INFO Storage: INITIALIZED: Ambient: 98.0 (60) for sensor.ms6
2020-12-26 10:28:44.287312 INFO Wohnzimmer: scene detected scene.tracey_lights
2020-12-26 10:28:44.302957 INFO Wohnzimmer: timers stopped because of scene:scene.tracey_lights
2020-12-26 10:28:44.313652 INFO Wohnzimmer: start_timer scene timeout:10 - -
2020-12-26 10:28:54.019732 INFO Wohnzimmer: Timer expired
2020-12-26 10:28:54.023000 INFO Wohnzimmer: Turning light off -light.wand
2020-12-26 10:28:54.168672 INFO Wohnzimmer: Turning light off -light.sideboard_rechts
2020-12-26 10:28:56.239794 INFO Wohnzimmer: Turning light off -light.sideboard_links
2020-12-26 10:28:57.126921 INFO Wohnzimmer: shutting down all entities from scene scene.tracey_lights timed out!!
2020-12-26 10:28:57.129983 INFO Wohnzimmer: turn off LIGHT: light.wand
2020-12-26 10:28:57.219168 INFO Wohnzimmer: turn off LIGHT: light.kerze
2020-12-26 10:28:57.323642 INFO Wohnzimmer: turn off LIGHT: light.bett_boden_links
2020-12-26 10:28:57.407021 INFO Wohnzimmer: turn off LIGHT: light.bett_kissen
2020-12-26 10:28:57.486676 INFO Wohnzimmer: turn off LIGHT: light.wohnzimmer_licht_3
2020-12-26 10:29:06.302668 INFO Wohnzimmer: scene detected scene.tracey_lights
2020-12-26 10:29:06.313172 INFO Wohnzimmer: timers stopped because of scene:scene.tracey_lights
2020-12-26 10:29:06.330411 INFO Wohnzimmer: start_timer scene timeout:10 - -
2020-12-26 10:29:16.021533 INFO Wohnzimmer: Timer expired
2020-12-26 10:29:16.025217 INFO Wohnzimmer: Turning light off -light.wand
2020-12-26 10:29:16.187455 INFO Wohnzimmer: Turning light off -light.sideboard_rechts
2020-12-26 10:29:16.972153 INFO Wohnzimmer: Turning light off -light.sideboard_links
2020-12-26 10:29:17.771524 INFO Wohnzimmer: shutting down all entities from scene scene.tracey_lights timed out!!
2020-12-26 10:29:17.775501 INFO Wohnzimmer: turn off LIGHT: light.wand
2020-12-26 10:29:17.859150 INFO Wohnzimmer: turn off LIGHT: light.kerze
2020-12-26 10:29:17.958482 INFO Wohnzimmer: turn off LIGHT: light.bett_boden_links
2020-12-26 10:29:18.055152 INFO Wohnzimmer: turn off LIGHT: light.bett_kissen
2020-12-26 10:29:18.224490 INFO Wohnzimmer: turn off LIGHT: light.wohnzimmer_licht_3
2020-12-26 10:30:09.067309 INFO AppDaemon: Reading config
2020-12-26 10:30:09.155533 INFO AppDaemon: /config/appdaemon/apps/smartlight.yaml added or modified
2020-12-26 10:30:09.156587 INFO AppDaemon: App 'Wohnzimmer' changed
2020-12-26 10:30:09.157525 INFO AppDaemon: Found 7 total apps
2020-12-26 10:30:09.167732 INFO AppDaemon: Terminating Wohnzimmer
2020-12-26 10:30:09.171239 INFO AppDaemon: Initializing app Wohnzimmer using class SmartLight from module smartlight
2020-12-26 10:30:09.186741 INFO Wohnzimmer: transition 10 will be used
2020-12-26 10:30:09.190259 INFO Wohnzimmer: brightness 100 will be used
2020-12-26 10:30:09.195932 INFO Wohnzimmer: brightness from sensor.template_motion_sensor_light_brightness will be used current 100
2020-12-26 10:30:09.199411 INFO Wohnzimmer: restart timer when motion activated
2020-12-26 10:30:09.202517 INFO Wohnzimmer: Scene - cancel timer:clear
2020-12-26 10:30:09.205785 INFO Wohnzimmer: Scene timeout 3600 will be used
2020-12-26 10:30:09.208971 INFO Wohnzimmer: Scene to listen ['scene.hell', 'scene.tv_blau', 'scene.tromso_mit_licht_unten_blau_rot_dunkel', 'scene.tromso_mit_licht_unten', 'scene.sideboard_bild_turkis', 'scene.tracey_lights'] will be used
2020-12-26 10:30:09.228520 INFO Wohnzimmer: INITIALIZED: Ambient: 53.0 (10) for sensor.ms1
2020-12-26 10:31:31.963852 INFO Wohnzimmer: Motion detected
2020-12-26 10:31:31.970296 INFO Wohnzimmer: Ambient light:92.0 (lmt:10) - do nothing - stop
2020-12-26 10:34:44.309356 INFO Wohnzimmer: Motion detected
2020-12-26 10:34:44.315887 INFO Wohnzimmer: Ambient light:107.0 (lmt:10) - do nothing - stop
2020-12-26 10:34:44.753082 INFO Wohnzimmer: Motion detected
2020-12-26 10:34:44.759512 INFO Wohnzimmer: Ambient light:107.0 (lmt:10) - do nothing - stop
2020-12-26 10:34:59.850919 INFO Esszimmer: Motion detected
2020-12-26 10:34:59.858330 INFO Esszimmer: Ambient light:167.0 (lmt:40) - do nothing - stop
2020-12-26 10:36:48.279365 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: Motion detected
2020-12-26 10:36:48.286547 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: Ambient light:1.0 (lmt:5) - go on
2020-12-26 10:36:48.475730 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: Turning light on - light.bett_boden_links - brightness:100% transition:3
2020-12-26 10:36:48.568407 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: Turning light on - light.bett_boden - brightness:100% transition:3
2020-12-26 10:36:48.573957 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: Restart timer motion light
2020-12-26 10:36:48.583668 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: start_timer light timeout:120 - -
2020-12-26 10:36:56.547986 INFO SchlafzimmerRechts: Motion detected
2020-12-26 10:36:56.553965 INFO SchlafzimmerRechts: Ambient light:206.0 (lmt:10) - do nothing - stop
2020-12-26 10:38:22.022158 INFO Wohnzimmer: Motion detected
2020-12-26 10:38:22.029354 INFO Wohnzimmer: Ambient light:139.0 (lmt:10) - do nothing - stop
2020-12-26 10:38:22.521705 INFO Wohnzimmer: Motion detected
2020-12-26 10:38:22.528512 INFO Wohnzimmer: Ambient light:139.0 (lmt:10) - do nothing - stop
2020-12-26 10:38:24.448508 INFO Esszimmer: Motion detected
2020-12-26 10:38:24.454796 INFO Esszimmer: Ambient light:205.0 (lmt:40) - do nothing - stop
2020-12-26 10:38:49.180576 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: Timer expired
2020-12-26 10:38:49.296331 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: Turning light off -light.bett_boden_links
2020-12-26 10:38:49.664582 INFO SchlafzimmerLinks: Turning light off -light.bett_boden
2020-12-26 10:42:01.506832 INFO Wohnzimmer: Motion detected
2020-12-26 10:42:01.513152 INFO Wohnzimmer: Ambient light:136.0 (lmt:10) - do nothing - stop