Thanks guys, I really appreciate the help!
I was really struggling to get my head around the recursion aspect of it all!
Got it working like this:
import appdaemon.appapi as appapi
class Test(appapi.AppDaemon):
def initialize(self):
self.log("Test App Started.")
self.going_up = True
self.delay = 1
self.minimum = 0
self.maximum = 255
self.step = 10
self.switch_id = "input_boolean.rain_switch"
self.light_id = "light.adams_study"
self.listen_state(self.startfunc, self.switch_id)
def startfunc(self, entity, attributes, old, new, kwargs):
if new == "on":
self.handle = self.run_in(self.runloop, self.delay)
def runloop(self, kwargs):
self.brightness = int(self.get_state(self.light_id, "brightness")) # or float if that gives it back
if self.going_up:
self.brightness += self.step
if self.brightness > self.maximum:
self.brightness = self.maximum
self.going_up = False
self.brightness = self.brightness - self.step
if self.brightness < self.minimum:
self.brightness = self.minimum
self.going_up = True
self.turn_on(self.light_id, brightness=self.brightness)
if self.check_for_button_state():
self.run_in(self.runloop, self.delay)
def check_for_button_state(self):
if self.get_state(self.switch_id) == "on":
return True
return False