AppDaemon Q&A

stop pulling yourself down!!

there are enough people out there that will do that for you, you are taking there joy :wink:

OK, OK - Let’s get back on topic here…


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yes, mister moderator.
we will mister moderator :wink:

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I think I’m gonna be sick. LOL :smile: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


stop being off topic all the time! :wink:


how many constraints can you use? Say I wanted to listen to the state of something but only during the week and only between certain hours and also only if a certain input_boolean is set to on?

you can use constrain_start_time and constrain_end_time in the same app or schedular, so i think you can mix them up.
so what you want should be possible.

Yes, you can use as many constraints as you like, but only one of each type. If you need something more elaborate, say different hours of operation on different days you would need to code that in the App itself.

This thread has served its purpose - now we have an AppDaemon section lets start new threads for specific questions - I am closing this thread.