AppDaemon won't start - complains about secrets.yaml

For me helped just editing location of “secrets.yaml” in " /root/addon_configs/XXX-appdaemon/appdaemon.yaml" to “/homeassistant/secrets.yaml”

Everything else was just copied with update to new location.


Appreciate that answer ! That did the work for me too !

Hi to all, Yes this resolved my issue. I have just need to change appdaemon.yaml config to /homeassistant/secret.yaml

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My /config/appdaemon is empty and there is no /addon_configs. I searched the entire system for my py files e.g. find / | grep No results. How screwed am I?

Are you using the Samba Share addon? If not, try that, this is where the addon_configs can be found. I’m not sure where to find it if using other approaches.

could someone post a more detailed instruction on how to do this please. I have read the posts over and over and it does not make any sence to me, my head is spinning just like my ns panel screens. TIA

additionally i have to copy folder nspanel-lovelace-ui app from old location

check if dir has been mounted

df -h 

you should have something similar

/dev/sda8                30.8G     17.3G     12.2G  59% /addon_configs

The two easiest ways I know:

Using Samba

  1. Make sure you have the SambaShare addon installed and configured.
  2. Mount the addon_configs from a computer on the same network as Home Assistant. How you do depends on your OS.
    2.1. On macOS, you open Finder, press Cmd + k and write smb://$HA_IP (where $HA_IP is the IP of your Home Assistant instance), then log in with the credentials you defined in the addon configuration.
    2.2. Select addon_configs
  3. Open the addon_configs and the the folder that has appdaemon in the name.
  4. Find the appdamon.yaml file - this is the exact same file you had before, it has just been moved.
  5. Find the line where it says /config/secrets.yaml and change that to /config/secrets.yaml.
  6. Save and close the file, then restart the AppDaemon addon.

Using Terminal

  1. After logging in (however you prefer, I use this addon), navigate to the new Appdaemon directory by typing cd addon_configs then ´cd $APPDAEMON´ where $APPDAEMON is the name of the directory with appdaemon in the name.
  2. Open the appdamon.yaml file by typing nano appdamon.yaml.
  3. Find the line where it says /config/secrets.yaml and change that to /config/secrets.yaml.
  4. Save and close the file (press Ctrl + o then Ctrl + x), then restart the AppDaemon addon.

Open Studio Code Server. Press the 3 lines at the top left. Then select File/Open Folder. Then you can select the /addon_configs folder. Then do the same again to get back to the /config folder.

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Easiest I found to access /addon_configs folder is via Studio Coder Server i.e. Open Studio Code Server. Press the 3 lines at the top left. Then select File/Open Folder. Then you can select the /addon_configs folder. Then do the same again to get back to the /config folder.

so I would need this add on installing?

Or is it another pc program called “studio code server”
Sorry but this is way above what I have done so far.

Yes. Go in your HA to Settings/Add-ons and add Studio Code Server (formerly Visual Studio Code i.e. if you type Visual Studio Code, HA will show you the Studio Code Server add-on). By default the add-on should show your /config folder. Press “Yes” regarding “Trust the Authors” when opening the first time.

Appdaemon is also above what I’m used to but Studio Code Server is my default add-on if I have to change something in my configuration.yaml, sensors.yaml and secrets.yaml. I also can manage all my HACS custom integrations with that tool. And since I’m using the Appdaemon based ELCO Remocon net AppDaemon (sensors for my ELCO heating system) custom integration, I had to find a simple visual way to access the hidden appdaemon.yaml and to change the secrets path. I’m not used to Terminal and Samba :slight_smile:

Thanks for the promt reply, I have installed and followed your instructions, but I am unsure what to do when i get to the folder , I am trying to post what it says but its complaining its not formatted correct

Open appdaemon.yaml in the /addon_configs folder and adapt to your needs. I had only to change the secrets path from 
secrets: /config/secrets.yaml 
secrets: /homeassistant/secrets.yaml 
to get Appdaemon running again
As an example, my appdaemon.yaml looks as follows:
secrets: /homeassistant/secrets.yaml
  latitude: 52.379189
  longitude: 4.899431
  elevation: 2
  time_zone: Europe/Amsterdam
      type: hass
      ha_url: http://homeassistant.local:8123
      token: !secret appdaemon_token
  url: http://homeassistant.local:5050

Thank you so much , that all makes sence now. I have it back up and running , but the NS panels dont work as they did. Thank you for your help

Unfortunately I don‘t use NS Panel. But check if the apps folder in the add_configs folder has the necessary .py files of that App (NS Panels) With my use case (Heating) the relevant .py file was not automatically copied to the addon_configs folder i.e. remained in the config folder. After copying the .py file to the addon_configs app folder and ensuring that the apps.yaml in the addon_configs folder is mounting the app, it worked again. The following pictures as a visual help to what I wrote :grinning:


Good to know: If you don’t see the samba share folder addon_configs, you probably are still on an older version of the Samba addon. So update it first and the folder addon_configs will appear :wink:
Looks lame, but it took me an hour to figure this out :person_facepalming:


Make sure you have the latest samba share version: the addon_configs share is added only recently!

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Did you find the reason why NS Panel still did not work after fixing the path to the secrets file?
