📳 Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC

Hi, there’s a way to expose also details like duration and cost to the custom action?

I use telegram to create a log of the costs and I also ave a Awtrix led bar in the kitchen that I would like to use for appliance notifications


You can also see a few post above.

You will need to Enable - Update of Start & End Helpers Only and Enable - End Notify Duration Tracking if your only using a custom action.

Below is your end message used in the end custom action.

  message: >
    Your end message here
    {% set kwh = states(end_power_consumption) | float - states(start_power_consumption) | float %}
    {{'\n'}}{{end_message_kwh}} {{kwh | round(2) }} kWh
    {% set cost = (states(end_power_consumption) | float - states(start_power_consumption) | float) * (states(cost_per_kwh) | float) %}
    {{'\n'}}{{end_message_cost}}{{cost | round(2) }}
    {% if include_duration_tracking == "enable_duration_tracking" %}
    {% set end_time = now().timestamp() %}
    {% set duration = (end_time - start_time) | int %}
    {% set hours = (duration // 3600) | int %}
    {% set minutes = ((duration % 3600) // 60) | int %}
    {% set seconds = (duration % 60) | int %}
    {{'\n'}}Duration {{ '%02d' | format(hours) }}:{{ '%02d' | format(minutes) }}:{{ '%02d' | format(seconds) }}
    {% endif %}

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

Can you point me in the right direction here? I’m not sure what could be causing this.
I have several other notifications setup just the same with the same wall plugs etc and they keep working, it’s just this one that all of a sudden have issues.

id: '1710594083764'
alias: Dishwasher Notifications
description: ''
  path: Blackshome/appliance-notifications.yaml
    end_power_consumption: input_number.dishwasher_power_tracking_end_number
    power_sensor: sensor.dishwasher_power
    include_start_notify: enable_start_notify_options
      - 640882b10857d362d1feed01fa598214
      - 97eaca6e84ec33bf7991a13f06e3df1b
    include_end_notify: enable_end_notify_options
      - 640882b10857d362d1feed01fa598214
      - 97eaca6e84ec33bf7991a13f06e3df1b
    include_power_tracking: enable_power_tracking
    power_consumption_sensor: sensor.dishwasher_electric_consumption_kwh
    start_power_consumption: input_number.dishwasher_power_tracking_start_number
    end_appliance_power: 2
    end_time_delay: 0.5
    start_time_delay: 0.5
      - enable_end_custom_actions
      - metadata: {}
          config_entry: 6cc2625d8bcbea759c62bca045c065a4
          worksheet: Energy Consumptoin
            device: Dishwasher
            consumed_kWh: >-
              | round(2) }}
        action: google_sheets.append_sheet
    include_duration_tracking: disable_duration_tracking
    running_dead_zone: 0
    start_title: Dishwasher
    start_appliance_power: 10
    end_message_title: Dishwasher
    end_message: Yippee the dishwasher is finished!

Hey Blacky, thanks for this great blueprint!

Would you consider making it possible to assign icon and color to the android notification options?

Thank you!


It is you custom action, check this.

Blacky :smiley:


I was hoping HA create their own notification so we can just have one for iOS and Android. I understand that iOS and Android handle notifications differently but this idea is only the start of the conversation. I am hoping in the end we have one notification that we can click on it and see all the notifications in HA exactly the way anyone wants it. Here is the start of my WTH idea click here vote on it if you like it at the top of the post. Then we can have when the appliance starts (running) in a dashboard and when it finished in a dashboard, easy and fully custom.

To your question, I am trying to keep it simple and not get carried away will every notification option for iOS and Android so the blueprint doesn’t get so confusing that I get heaps of questions. But never say never, I put it on the list of suggestions.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

Thanks! My vote is in! The notification system needs a full rework. For instance notify groups (in GUI), wth is that not in place

As a simple workaround you could maybe introduce a yaml based advanced settings for experienced users? Or maybe use a template helper for storing settings? Not sure. At least that would improve the UX for my family to be able to quickly see if a notification is important or “normal”.

I like the principle of “divide et impera” (“divide and conquer”).

There are many solutions for notifications. and for power tracking, and for stop watches. asking to extend (overload!) a blueprint makes it very difficult to maintain.

e.g. I track energy consumption with utility meters, I use MeasureIt as a stopwatch for my the runs of my appliances, and an own script for notifications.

The beauty of this blueprint is the detection of the runs of the appliances, the rest is ice on the cake. And sometimes you/I could do different or tailored icings :wink:

Actually callling a service for notification would be even better. Then you can do whatever you like.


You can do custom actions where you can add this to your notification. I would like HA to build there own notification system so you don’t have to use telegram, google, messenger, iOS, Android and just have one notification platform (HA).

Blacky :smiley:

Hi there,

I have the issue that the automation stops when home assistant ist restartet whhile the automation ist running and the end actions are now executet then.

Is there a possibility to resume the automation when home assitstant ist restartet while the autmation is runningß

Thank and greets



First post for me and love this blueprint. Certainly takes the hard work of trying to configure this manually.

I’ve imported the blueprint, chosen my entity and changed a couple of the values, but when I go to save it, I’m being told:

Any hints or pointers would be greatly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT: I’m on HA Core 2024.8.3


No, currently if you restart HA it will cancel the automation. I will put it on a list to investigate.

Blacky :smiley:


You will need to update HA if you can. If you can’t update HA then PM me.

Blacky :smiley:

Great, update has worked :partying_face:

1 Like

Hello @Blacky , juste have found your BP yesterday
I tried to configure it, but it doesn’t work
would you mind to have a look ?
thank you very much

_power is in W
_energy is in kWh

alias: Bouilloire BP
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/appliance-notifications.yaml
      - fcb72cf06d70f50cde44e29278540c84
      - high_priority
    power_sensor: sensor.prise_a9_power
    running_dead_zone: 0
    end_appliance_power: 1
    end_time_delay: 1
    include_start_notify: enable_start_notify_options
    start_message: DĂ©marrage
    start_notify_channel: Bouilloire
    include_end_notify: enable_end_notify_options
      - fcb72cf06d70f50cde44e29278540c84
    start_title: Bouilloire
    end_message_title: Bouilloire
    end_message: Fin
    end_notify_data: []
    end_notify_channel: Bouilloire
    include_power_tracking: enable_power_tracking_and_cost
    power_consumption_sensor: sensor.prise_a9_energy
    end_message_kwh: Consommation
    end_message_cost: CoĂ»t €
    cost_per_kwh: sensor.tempo_now_price
    include_duration_tracking: enable_duration_tracking
    end_message_duration_tracking: Durée du cycle
    start_appliance_power: 5
    start_power_consumption: input_number.puissance_bouilloire_debut
    end_power_consumption: input_number.puissance_bouilloire_fin
      - action: notify.persistent_notification
        metadata: {}
          title: "{{end_message_title}}"
          message: >
            {{end_message}} {% set kwh =
            states(input_number.puissance_bouilloire_fin) | float -
            states(input_number.puissance_bouilloire_debut) | float %}
            {{'\n'}}{{end_message_kwh}} {{kwh | round(2) }} kWh {% set cost =
            (states(input_number.puissance_bouilloire_fin) | float -
            states(input_number.puissance_bouilloire_debut) | float) *
            (states(sensor.tempo_now_price) | float) %}
            {{'\n'}}{{end_message_cost}}{{cost | round(2) }}
    start_time_delay: 0.25
      - enable_end_custom_actions

always 0 W when idle


Looks like you added your entity ID in your custom end notification. Below is the new code.

alias: Bouilloire BP
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/appliance-notifications.yaml
      - fcb72cf06d70f50cde44e29278540c84
      - high_priority
    power_sensor: sensor.prise_a9_power
    running_dead_zone: 0
    end_appliance_power: 1
    end_time_delay: 1
    include_start_notify: enable_start_notify_options
    start_message: DĂ©marrage
    start_notify_channel: Bouilloire
    include_end_notify: enable_end_notify_options
      - fcb72cf06d70f50cde44e29278540c84
    start_title: Bouilloire
    end_message_title: Bouilloire
    end_message: Fin
    end_notify_data: []
    end_notify_channel: Bouilloire
    include_power_tracking: enable_power_tracking_and_cost
    power_consumption_sensor: sensor.prise_a9_energy
    end_message_kwh: Consommation
    end_message_cost: CoĂ»t €
    cost_per_kwh: sensor.tempo_now_price
    include_duration_tracking: enable_duration_tracking
    end_message_duration_tracking: Durée du cycle
    start_appliance_power: 5
    start_power_consumption: input_number.puissance_bouilloire_debut
    end_power_consumption: input_number.puissance_bouilloire_fin
      - action: notify.persistent_notification
        metadata: {}
          title: "{{end_message_title}}"
          message: >
            {{end_message}} {% set kwh = states(end_power_consumption) | float -
            states(start_power_consumption) | float %}
            {{'\n'}}{{end_message_kwh}} {{kwh | round(2) }} kWh {% set cost =
            (states(end_power_consumption) | float -
            states(start_power_consumption) | float) * (states(cost_per_kwh) |
            float) %} {{'\n'}}{{end_message_cost}}{{cost | round(2) }}
    start_time_delay: 0.25
      - enable_end_custom_actions

Blacky :smiley:

Hi Blacky, I didn’t find a “feature request” section, so I try to reach you here:

FEATURE REQUST: Please include a “water meter” usage entity and notification, with the same functionality as the power usage entity and message.

I have an entity incrementing total water usage in cubic meters and would like the blueprint to include the used water, when it reports the power usage at the end of the washing cycle.

thx for the great blueprint and your active contribution to our fantastic user experience in home-assistant!

Hi @Blacky I have a suggestion.

In your opinion is is possible to add another number helper to works like a counter of the events that the appliance is used?

Below my idea:

Tumble dryer but also washing machine and dishwasher require maintenance so my idea was to have a counter that when becomes for example 10 ( so when the appliance has been used 10 times, and so the automation notified the end 10 times) will trigger a notification to remind “hey maybe it’s time to look at the filter”

What do you think?


I haven’t really started monitoring water usage as the amount is not much and I not sure how cost effective it is to have water meters on every appliance. I will however put it on the list.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Blacky :smiley: