APsystem - Solar monitoring

I tried today nod-red with node-red-contrib-solaredge-modbus

The solaredge node read the ECU-C values.
some calculation are wrong.

The source code for Solaredge is on github .
It can be modified for the ECU-C

Good news for everyone who owns a ECU-C.

sunspec Modbus can be activated. Modbus RTU and TCP works.

I managed to read out the values in Node-red.
You have to install the sunspec modebus tcp node.

The se_inverter.json file in the config_json Folder must be adapted.

Here are the register mapping.


Have a nice day.

Today fixed and working fine!

JQM1961, How did you enable Modbus on the ECU-C. I donā€™t have that option on the web interface of the ECU-C.

Hi everyone,

I was wondering how people have enabled Modbus over IP and if possible to do as owner, instead of the installer.

On other matters, I was thinking to start a local version of the APsystems sensor. Basically, the same as the above but querryng the local MCU instead of the cloud. Would people be interested on that?
I love the work from @bgbraga & @synack, but I can see 2 benefits from this. First, my unit has consumed/import sensors as well as the connection to the panels so I could get a few extra data points there. Also, since the queries are local, data could be refreshed more freely than a cloud service. Bear in mind all measurements happen in 5min slots, so thereā€™s no point on anything smaller than that.

To do this I was looking to do HTTP requests to the MCU such as ā€œhttp://<MCU_IP>/index.php/meter/old_meter_power_graph?date=2022-04-07ā€, however Iā€™m unsure whether the same API is in all MCUā€™s. I only have MCU-C (less than 48h with it), so Iā€™d appreciate if people can confirm it works on others.

So far I have the following entry-points:

  • Power by inverter data: http://<MCU_IP>/index.php/realtimedata/old_energy_graph?date=2022-04-08&period=weekly
  • Energy by inverter data: http://<MCU_IP>/index.php/realtimedata/old_energy_graph?date=2022-04-08&period=weekly
  • Power measured by sensors: http://<MCU_IP>/index.php/meter/old_meter_power_graph?2022-04-07
  • Energy measured by sensors: http://<MCU_IP>/index.php/meter/old_meter_energy_graph?date=2022-04-08&period=weekly

Can anyone confirm wether these work on others?

First, not me but skelgaard did the work, since the data comes only once an hour I want to take a closer look at this project:

Waiting for the ordered hardware.

Is that the old ECUā€™s? ECU-C seem to be refreshing all(panel info, total generated and meter information) at 5min intervals. I actually have the HW for it, itā€™s the same as any zigbee2mqtt but I donā€™t see whatā€™s the advantage between this and what you have in the ECU. As far as I can tell this project also do 5min intervals.

ups, maybe misunderstanding :-), current i get my data from apsystems server and they reduce to 1 hour, therfore i like to switch to a differnent way, butā€¦ have a ECU-B

Have you tried GitHub - ksheumaker/homeassistant-apsystems_ecur: Home Assistant custom component for local querying of APSystems ECU-R Solar System
From what I see on the code, it looks like the most comprehensive integration, however only works for ECU-C & ECU-B. Hence I havenā€™t tested it. It relays on the magic messages from the ACU App but most people seem happy with it

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Wow, great, many thanks, perfect integration!!! Have looked around several times but didnt noticed this. Works from 1. try with ECU B and YC600

Take note from this issue though: HA Release 2022.4 causes sensors to fail Ā· Issue #62 Ā· ksheumaker/homeassistant-apsystems_ecur Ā· GitHub

Just confirming this works with 7 pcs. DS3. Some inverters needed to be re-paired a few times to start working.

Does this help? ā†’ APSystems Wechselrichter mit Modbus auslesen und beschreiben. YC600, QS1 DS3 usw - Wechselrichter - Photovoltaikforum