APsystems APS ECU R local inverters data pull

In your router the ECU-R can be seen as ESP-xxxxxx. Do you happen to have a Fritzbox? MAC starts with D8:BF:C0: (Espressif Inc.)

No Fritzbox. Router is Experiabox V10 and I use a TP-Link N750 as my DHCP server.

question to here

Using cached data from last successful communication from ECU. Error: [Errno 113] Connect call failed ('', 8899)

is something that shows my device is slowly dying as i also cannot connect to the internal SSID anymore with the ECU app.
I think the retry only applies on responses not complete, but not the connect itself, (is this correct?)
This trying to connect, would it be possible to make that retryable too?

I’d first look at te logs: in configuration.yaml add these lines:
Restart core and then look at the home-assistant.log, you should be able to see something like:

These results are pretty constant for me and I rarely have errors. As I said, if you have not had the ECU that long, make a claim under the warranty (if there is nothing more to improve the reception).

Indeed, the ECU was seen as ESP.-xxxx. When I now get the folowing screen in Wireshark.

No port 8899 to find.

So, your ECU-R is at If your purpose is to integrate the ECU-R into HA, just follow the instructions for the integration. Sending a ping or just listening to the node is not the right way to check if the port is open.

Hi guys,

Due the problem with the old apsystems API that is not working anymore, I create a new HTTP APsystems Sensor. It is in HACS structure. So if you are using HACS, just add this repository:

It uses the https://apsystemsema.com web site to get the information. So it works with any APsystems inverter / ECU model.

Please, help me to test. If you like, just give me a beer :slight_smile:

Great job you’ve done there Bruno. I’m using HA for 5 months now and still have a lot to explore. I installed HACS but when I do a search in the repositories your sensor does not pop-up. HACS has found 776 repositories and is not adding any more repositories. It should be over one thousand from what I’ve seen on youtube.

Edit: ah, there’s a rate limit on the GitHub API, I’ll have to wait for at least one hour until that rate limit is expired. :slight_smile:

not my goal to start querying cloud data , but indeed, good to see new solutions when other API’s are decomissioned. Be aware they might start asking subscription fees on the API usage (its already in their terms and conditions)

Advantage of the solution is that everything is supported, disadvantage is that not all available data is at EMA. In my humble opinion it’s best to get the data where it is produced indeed! There’s some help and testing needed improving the integration though.

I’m still looking for someone that might be able to add two socket listeners to this integration (it’s not hard but the learning curve of Python is too steep for my old brain). If it would be optional, one can choose to work cloud independent and still keep the ECU running. I’ve got the POC running in old school VB. It scares me that if shit hits the fan during world crisis, they can shut down all power sources. So when this world crisis happens, disconnect from internet asap!

You mean listener for proxy post to cloud? that you cant do in the integration, as the python process needs to keep running. i would be other solution to have that python run as service to serve that purpose… An addon (aps cloud emulate, some catchy name) would alos serve the purpose :slight_smile: and then the integration to listen in on the data stream…

I can imagine what you are saying, I’m used to event triggers and not sure they exist in Python (oh yes, they do). so would it be best to start a new topic on that?

we can do that ofcourse… lets see where we end up. happy to chip in :slight_smile:

Hello HAEdwin,
CAn you tel me what instructions for integration you use. I found several in the meantime.

i think from here

then setup and then config.

@smurmug Yep, Sander is right, that’s the one currently in use. If the instruction need to be more clear, let us know! Make sure indent is correct when adding the integration to configuration.yaml

This won’t work

host: [192.168.x.x]

But this will (without the x’s offcourse)

    host: 192.168.x.x

Valideer configuratie

Thks for the quick reaction,

I get the following message when checking the configuration.

Controleer je configuratie als je onlangs wijzigingen hebt aangebracht en zeker wilt weten dat ze geldig zijn


Component error: apsystems_ecur - Integration ‘apsystems_ecur’ not found.

is custom_components having that directory as said in ‘setup’ section? then it’s just a restart HA that will clear this error.

Thanks guys,

I have it working


I have added an pull request to make the component installable via HACS

That should alleviate the installation problems.