APsystems APS ECU R local inverters data pull

Removing and adding the integration settings is also an option but requires more frontend work, depending on the scale of the PV array. It is possible to add a settings option also, though this requires a change.

I’ve replaced the APSystems icon with a transparent version to match HA’s dark theme or other darker custom dashboard colors.

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You can’t ping the ECU-R when its connected to wifi mode. Its as if its communicating directly with the cloud.

@zartarr88 It might not in local hotspot/setup modus but it is possible to ping to the WiFi connected ECU.

This is solved now by adding the Settings option.

I’m waiting for Kyle to perform a merge from my pull request but you can allready download and install from my repository at: https://github.com/HAEdwin/homeassistant-apsystems_ecur/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

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Outstanding work on the integration.
In my case however, I did not buy the ECU, as it costs 300 euros here. Since I already have a large zigbee network, was wondering if it would be possible to get a direct integration without the ECU.
Are any of you aware if such work is being done by anyone out there?

yes there are multiple projects around that… not sure if there is a HA integration based on it already
some sample https://github.com/patience4711/read-APSystems-YC600-QS1-DS3

Hi there, just wanted to check in and let you know that I just got my solar installation completed by a third party, and I am very much against “cloud based” everything, I really don’t like sharing my data, so this HA project was perfect! Wanted to say thanks for the great work, and just in case you were not aware, I have mine hardwired in and not collecting via WiFi, and it works as advertised. I tried reading through all the comments, but from what I can see, you only believe that WiFi connection is the only supported mode, but on mine it has never been attached to the WiFi network (because I did not want to share my wifi information with the installer), and so it has only been attached to HA via hardwire.

If this is news to you and you need any information regarding my device in regards to functionality, please let me know and I’ll get you whatever I can, but I am not nearly as technically knowledgeable as most of the devs here!

there are many undefined versions of the ECU boxes. What is on yours on the label , R or Pro any firmware version you could share?
I have tried eth connection and definitely did not work. Also i have hunch that the network part is kinda sepearetd hardware from the main ECU hardware and hence even more unpredictable per ECU

I have a 21600 bridge, it doesn’t show up in UniFi Network either, but it is connected to my WLAN. Can’t get the bridge integrated into HA either.

so how do you know its connected if unifi doesnt see it? Does the EMA website show your data properly? then it should have an IP adress, thats all you need to know for the integration

So I See my data in the EMA App when i was out from my home. Also the Webpage Work correctly.

Thats really strange never see that before with other network devices.

If I connect via LAN Connection it comes up directly but with a IP Adress out of my Home IP Range.

Maybe i must try the ESP Thing with a Cc 2531

Extreeemly cool :slight_smile: I took a while to figure out how to get this addon, but now it’s working. I have a ECU-B with a small 600W DS-3 and two Trina Solar 415Wp panels.

Did you use GitHub - patience4711/read-APSystems-YC600-QS1-DS3: Software for an esp8266 nodemcu to read data from APS inverters. or something else?

That one is for reading the inverters in Zigbee.
This topic is in

Hello Edwin,

I will let you know that sinds i used version 23 it will work fine for over 2 weeks now. There was no reboot necessary in two weeks. Thats awesome!!!
But there is an update 24. Is it necessary to update? Or…will it maybe break?
Im happy with this version.

Kind regards,

Hello Thetmar, the latest beta release 1.2.24 only solves a bug when writing the configuration. So next time after restart the correct parameters are loaded. In your case it doesn’t add any advantage. You are always able to revert to an older version by selecting one. Great to hear you’re happy with this release.

APsystems Micro Inverters uitlezen kun je met mijn oplossing [sAPS_ECU.ino](Kendziorra - APsystems Micro Inverters uitlezen)

I just want to chime in with the praise here. Ever since the automatic restart functionality was implemented in the integration, my ECU-R has not needed to be power cycled like I had to do before with a cheap Zigbee plug every night. It just works now!

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I’ve installed the latest HA core version 2023.2 (released yesterday)
The integration still works fine, but there’s a warning the logs that something needs to be changed in the code, otherwise the integration might stop working in the next version 2023.3 (next month)

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.frame
Source: helpers/frame.py:77
First occurred: 18:43:20 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:43:20

Detected integration that called async_setup_platforms instead of awaiting async_forward_entry_setups; this will fail in version 2023.3. Please report issue to the custom integration author for apsystems_ecur using this method at custom_components/apsystems_ecur/__init__.py, line 210: hass.config_entries.async_setup_platforms(config, PLATFORMS)

@HAEdwin or @ksheumaker : Can you fix this in a new version?
(I could open an ‘Issue’ on Github if required)


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