Does the A100 model have a 5v emergency dc input connection ?. If so does anyone know if it can be permanently powered by a 5v dc supply ? recharge the batteries?.
The lock has a USB-C connector at the bottom of the outside part of the lock. I wouldn’t know how to hide a cable though.
And I doubt this emergency power connector would charge the batteries, because it’s literally just supposed to be used in an emergency and while your empty standard (not rechargeable) batteries are still in the lock.
Hi, would this work using esphome bt proxy?
That’s what I was wondering
In my case the lock only successfully connects to HA via a USB Bluetooth stick - it does not connect via a nearby ESPHome Bluetooth proxy, nor a nearby Shelly Plus device in bluetooth proxy mode.
I am going to try use Aqara Relay and Shelly 2.5 or something like that to pass binary state information between HA and Aqara.
How to Disable auto lock of door and use it in office?
I have installed the A100 Zigbee (International Version) in Australia and cannot get the lock to show in Home Assistant under Matter.
Here is a summary of my findings thus far.
Setup Notes:
*I have an Aqara A100 Zigbee lock (ZNMS02ES) - International
*I have an Aqara M2 Hub (HM2-G01)
*I do not have a HomeKit hub but have apple devices.
*I have an Aqara P1 motion sensor to the M2 hub.
*I am running latest Home Assistant Supervised on RPi4B
*Aqara app set to Australian Server
- Bind lock to Homekit - All good.
- Bind Aqara M2 (International) hub to Homekit all good.
- Bind the lock to the M2 Hub - all good.
- The lock works perfectly from the Aqara app and is always instant and responsive.
- Remove both from Homekit, both show up in Home assistant Homekit as devices.
- The M2 Hub in HASS does not show the A100 lock, it shows the alarm base of the hub and the P1 motion sensor I also have bound to the hub.
- The lock in HASS shows as a Homekit device and exposes Lock State, Battery, and Identify Button and Signal Strength. The signal strength is the Bluetooth strength, not Zigbee wireless strength. The Aqara app shows the Zigbee wireless strength.
- Add the M2 hub to HASS via Matter - all good, hub shows in Home Assistant. No alarm base entities exposed. No lock, but the P1 motion sensor is attached to the Matter base.
So the lock is only responding to HASS via Bluetooth Homekit. For the past two weeks through the RPi4B built in Bluetooth this is patchy. Sometimes instant, sometimes lags for up to 10sec, sometimes misses lock/unlock events entirely. The Aqara app is always spot on and instant as this is through the Aqara hub and Zigbee.
I am trying now a long range Bluetooth adapter to see how much better this is, but nothing will beat access through the Hub which is what I want to achieve.
I would expect the lock to be shown in Matter, but it is not.
I have tried the following to try and get the lock to show up in Matter on HA.
*Adding and removing the items in different order.
*Uninstalling and reinstalling Matter integration and server.
*Resetting the lock and hub and re-adding it.
*A fresh install of HA OS on the RPi with nothing else but Matter the lock and hub.
*Updating firmware on all devices.
*Trying an E1 Hub - same results as M2.
None of this makes any change, I always get the P1 to show through the Hub in Homekit and Matter but no lock on either Homekit or Matter.
Has anyone got an A100 (not U100 or N100 etc) Zigbee (Not Chinese Pro) connected to an Aqara M2 or E1 international hub (Not Chinese again) to expose the lock through Matter?
As far as I understand, it is up to Aqara to add older Zigbee devices to the list which their hubs can then expose as Matter entities. The P1 motion sensor is on the list, but the A100 is not. I have no expectations that Aqara will do so - there have been a couple of waves of older devices being added but it has gone quiet for quite a while now.
Be great if this gets done.
Recently I purchased a Chinese E1 and got Niceboy Aqara Gateway up and running.
I was able to add the P1 motion sensor and see it through the integration (shows the lux sensor which homekit and matter do not BTW).
However I was unable to add the International A100 Zigbee to the Chinese Server. It is not listed as a device, not picked up in a device scan and none of the two listed A100 options will add it to the Aqara App.
My only workaround for now is to do the following.
Add A100 Zigbee to Australian Server of Aqara App.
Add M2 hub (E1 also ok) to Australian Server of Aqara App.
Add both to homekit and remove, then add them into Home Assistant as Homekit integrations. Everything works, but lock status through Homekit is flakey and slow at times, also cannot tell if door is fully locked - eg handle has been lifted up to engage triple bolts. So…
Add Security Card to Aqara and set them up to turn the M2 into Home mode when the door is closed, Night mode when the door is locked (handle up) and away mode if the away button is pressed on the A100.
Link the M2 status through to Home assistant. I made a sensor for the Front Door that indicates Away if away mode on M2, Locked if Night mode on M2, Closed if Home Mode on M2, and finally open/unlocked if Disarmed on the M2. I use away mode to set my Paradox alarm system, set HASS to away etc.
Using the M2 this way is 100% reliable and I now always know the status of the A100 lock in Home Assistant. This will have to tie me over until Aqara add the A100 states to Matter (if they ever do). If not it works well and does what I need.
I have recently upgraded to a Pi5 and with the built in bluetooth the Aqara 100 door lock homekit integration has been rock solid. It is now always very fast and responsive, typically less than 1sec to notice the door lock/unlock and always in sync with the hub now.
I can’t be sure if it was an update from Home Assistant or the upgrade from a RPi4 to RPi5 but I can say it works well now.
Posting for anyone else looking to integrate an Aqara A100 door lock with HA.
How did you connect it to HA with the RPi5?
Not sure what you are asking?
I also did that, but, with a Raspberry Pi 4.
First, you need to activate the Bluetooth Integration.
Second, make sure that the door lock isn’t bind in the Home App.
Third, with this two things before, you can add a homekit device and in the list you’ll the door lock.
Are there any other ways to link my A100 to HA?
I don’t have any Apple devices available to run the Home Kit integration steps.
I do have esp32 and rPi5 devices available.
Not really, perhaps borrow an apple phone from someone, or buy a really old iphone or iPad?
The lock does not appear via matter on a connected hub, and flashing a hub with niceboys firmware won’t allow the international version of the lock to connect either. If you have the Chinese A100 then you can look at Niceboy Aqara Gateway.
Edited: I have flashed a Global Hub with Niceboy Aqara Gateway and am running an international A100 Zigbee on it. It does depend on the series of Hub so refer to: M2 EU/Global support · Issue #198 · niceboygithub/AqaraGateway · GitHub for some more information.
I have not found any other way.
Just did it!
Hello all
I tried everything but i was unable
I have aqara a100 zigbee
With aqara E hub
Kindly help me in detailed steps
Thank you
Replying to myself for reference for anyone.
I have an International M2 hub flashed with GitHub - niceboygithub/AqaraGateway: Aqara Gateway/Hub integration for Home Assistant connected to the International A100 Zigbee. All is working well as follows:
I can see…
Away Mode
Door State
Key Id
Latch State
Lock by Handle
Lock Event
All in real-time directly through the Aqara gateway integration.
To actually unlock the door this only works via bluetooth.
I am also able to access the gateway, lock and all devices via the Aqara App at the same time.
Further Information here: M2 EU/Global support · Issue #198 · niceboygithub/AqaraGateway · GitHub