Aqara zigbee - stay away from these devices - battery life <6months

Note that this is not limited to Aqara devices. I had a Hue dimmer switch that worked flawlessly for 12 months… then something changed (perhaps a Deconz update? A reboot? not sure…) and it started eating batteries – about 20% a day.

Replaced it with a new one… and it works fine (shrug).

You replaced the whole switch?

It seems, this is also my case. Drop has stopped after a week at approx 50%.

Are you using the Aqara hub or ZHA? What is acting as the routers for the sensors? I have noticed a big difference switching from sonoff to thirdreality. Sonoff seems to drain the battery.

Has anyone figured out what is going on with these sensors that are draining so quickly? I have one of the zigbee temp sensors connected via ZHA and it dropped 20% in one day!

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I also thought my battery was draining, but then when looking at the history, it shows it leveling off after a few weeks (and oddly even going up at times). Hopefully your battery didn’t continue to drain

I see that quite a bit too. Is the battery cell dropping voltage initially but then levelling out for most of the rest of its life? What’s the science behind what’s happening here?

I think it’s temperature and the way the battery percentage is calculated.