AquaIllumination Hydra and Prime HD Lights

Mate thanks in first place for developing this. Came across this integration only now. Configure it as suggestes on my HA 2022.02. When I add the YMAL config it gives me the following error when checking the config:
Is this supported on the current HA versions ?


I haven’t used this in a while, unfortunately. It was probably last used with Home Assistant 0.98. It shouldn’t be massive work to get it working again but I don’t have time at the moment, unfortunately.


Understood. Thank you!

FYI: I split off Stephen’s AI code here and am making it work with HA 2024.1 and HACS. While I have been a python junkie for years, I am extremely new to the HA dev API. So far though I have got individual light channels working again. There appears to be some fundamental async issue with switching the schedule on/off though that I am working through as hacky (FAST) as possible before I have to dive into the HA dev docs.

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Gracias @zonyl por reflotar este componente y hacerlo funcionar en HA 2024.1.
@mcclown usó unas tarjetas para visualizar gráficamente la programación de las luces de forma muy parecida a como lo hace la propia app de MyA ¿alguna idea de cómo conseguir esto?