Aquara fp2

I was thinking to buy aquara fp2 sensor but I am still not clear on the use case / automation once it’s placed into the living or bedroom.

Does that sensor have any good use? Or it’s just waste of money and another electronic device…


We can not really define your use case.
Look at the many reviews/videos and then think about what you want solved with it.

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Just cant find out even simple use case…
Like it detects presence and if presence for example takes more then 10min and is still detectable do some action? Or keep light on?

Nothing apart light or keep playing music come up to my mind.

Saw some videos but still not much… Like nothing that one will say that I need it for that…

This is probably the more common. The benefit of the mmWave sensors in general is that they can detect small movements of people in the room, so can keep track of people sitting at a desk or dining table, for example, which may not be detectable by a traditional PIR sensor. You can then use the presence of people in the room to keep the lights on.

With the fp2 you can also setup zones in the app and track presence in different areas of a large open plan area. So if you have one big room that includes a lounge / TV viewing area with the dining table alongside, with the one fp2 sensor you can tell when people are in the living area and dining area independently. These show up as separate entities in HA.

The fp2 is not perfect, so for all the benefits I am listing, you need to expect it won’t just work, there is some work to do in getting it operating effectively.

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I should also add that the fp2 has a couple of modes of operation, such as triggering events on entering / exiting a zone, or detecting continued presence in a zone.

It is never a good idea to buy devices and then making up a use case.
If you do not have a use case where that device will make you need it, then don’t buy it.

@phier hasn’t purchased the fp2 yet, from what I have read, just considering it. But yes, I agree, best to have a use case in mind, which is why it is good to post questions like this to better understand what the device can be useful for.

so i found out with a use case to Detect person is sleeping,

No idea if anyone had a luck to test it?


I’m new to HA, so I may be missing some information. I have a new Aqara FP2 and have been unable to get HA to “see” it. I have read extensively on what others had to say and I can’t get far because it looks like Aqara has updated their software to V 4.2.1 and it does not give the screens referenced in all of the how-tos. I can add the sensor and I can ping it, but HA never sees it. It sort of appears that Aqara has screwed up something in the deletion of the device from the iOS Homekit app. Can anybody offer some help in trying to fix this?

You should make a new thread.
Old threads are often seen as handled/solved, so not so many visit it and your problem is probably not related to the original thread as such.

Thanks, I’ll do so…