Aquara Magic Cube not found in HA

Just bought a Aqara Magic Cube and successfully added it to deCONZ (using Conbee II). In the Phoscon App I am able to see the information and state of the Magic Cube, but the only thing I can find in HA is the battery status of the cube. Have restarted both deCONZ and HA a number of times, without this solving the problem.

Any idea of what could be wrong? I read some treads about the new Aqara Magic Cube being unsupported, but I found this strange since I am able to see the cube and its state in deCONZ.

I could be wrong but, is it possible this device only sends events and therefore doesn’t have an entity to display aside from battery? I use my Magic Cube with zigbee2mqtt which works quite differently.

Hello noidea,
I also have deconz and here are my Ikea Tradfri switches connected. With NodeRED you can read them and then start actions in Home Assistant. Maybe that works with the Aqara Cube too, look here in the link …

Thanks for the replies guys. I haven’t tried out NodeRed yet, but maybe that is the way to go.

You need to monitor deconz_event and verify home-assistant.log.
In config activate temporarily the code:

default: warning
pydeconz: debug
homeassistant.components.deconz: debug

then create the automations:

  • alias: ‘Radio ON aqara’
    initial_state: ‘on’
    • platform: event
      event_type: deconz_event
      id: mi_magic_cube
      event: 2002
    • data:
      service: script.turn_on

Thanks for your advise. After activating logger as you suggested I was able to read out the following from the log, in which I find relevant to the “magic cube”.

2019-06-07 01:08:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydeconz.websocket] Websocket data: {“e”:“changed”,“id”:“8”,“r”:“sensors”,“state”:{“buttonevent”:4005,“lastupdated”:“2019-06-06T23:08:16”},“t”:“event”,“uniqueid”:“00:15:8d:00:02:7d:75:df-02-0012”}

Not sure where to go from here. Should I now remove/disable the logger again, and am I now able to make automations based on the reported state?

Another thing that confuses me, is that the last digit in the state changes from time to time. E.g.; one of the “sides” of the cube reports the state 4006. Next time it reports 4005, 4002, etc. I suppose this has something to do with the previous state, or how I turn the cube, but I am not sure how to interpret these states.

The cube has 6 sides, but no orientation. If you flip it around from side 1 to side 6 (180°) you get for example 6001. Flip it back and the state is 1006.

Click here for detailed information.


Were you succesful in using the Magic Cube with Deconz?

No success so far, but haven’t really tried any more as it was far more complicated then anticipated.

Hi All,

I am new to HA and I was really surprised to find out that the Magic Cube works for me without deCONZ, Phoscon, Conbee, NodeRed or whatever you use for the purpose. I was about to sell it and now I am sooo happy to make it work.

My setup is in Proxmox PVE, last versions of the OS and App. Tasmotized SonOff Zigbee Bridge. I am not sure at what moment but the automations list for the Cube is listing all possible actions and I managed to use it already for my Hue lamps and so on.