Architrave smart switch solution!

Finally found a smart light switch solution for architrave light switches which have bugger all room behind them…

There is a zigbee and wifi version…

My question is, any idea where to get these the cheapest? Adds up when you need a few.

The wifi versions are about $10 cheaper than the zigbee versions, but I need zigbee as my router is struggling with the number of wifi devices I have as it is…

About $54 AUD is the best I can find. Can’t find anything on the good old AliExpress :wink: (image searched and every text search term I can think of)

One place is:

Hate to burst your bubble, but the ikuu stuff has a bad rep. Long thread here for further info.

Hoping just being a zigbee switch, it will be ok with Zigbee2MQTT

What can go wrong? :joy::roll_eyes:

I’ll just get one to test, hopefully not a $54 lesson in “what CAN go wrong”

I’ve got a whole bunch of IKUU switches and downlights.
all on zigbee.
currently using a combination of the IKUU app and the sonoff dongle to control with HA before i migrate everything over to HA
Very impressed with them all so far
my one issue - the switches don’t act as routers - they come through as ‘end points’ only - which is a PITA for range as i’ve a fairly large house

How are your switches going? Would you recommend? The switches not acting as repeaters is pretty annoying.