Argon One Active Cooling and Active Linear Cooling Addon

I upgraded to 0.15 and I see no messages anymore. But I didn‘t found any message from the version 0.14 before. I think the messages are from the version before.

I pushed an update to all my addons today. Even though I didn’t see the message, the new format for devices has less clutter.

Just got my Argon One case and installed a fresh HassOS on my SDcard, set my snapshot back and installed the I2C addon, rebooted twice but the logs keep giving the output.

ls: /dev/i2c-1: No such file or directory
I don't see I2C.
no sda1 available
no sdb1 available
mount: permission denied (are you root?)
no mmcblk0p1 config found
This Configurator did it's job. Perform a hard-power-off reboot now.
You will need to reboot twice total, once to place the files, and again to activate the I2C.

Edit: Fixed by disabling Protection mode. Can you maybe add this to github because i don’t find that info.

Thanks allot for this great and easy add-on(s)! :slight_smile:

I tested many things, but I didn’t get something to work with a single press of the button. The only thing there is an reaction is the double press.

I also tested this configuration.yaml:

  - platform: rpi_gpio
    pull_mode: DOWN
      4: Argon One Power Button

Because I found the part with the pull_mode DOWN in another thread. This is also being set in the original Argon One script.
But that also doesn’t change a thing.

So I think I will live with the double tap for shutown.

This is the wrong place for that. You should post in the proper area. I’m working on it.

Upgrade to the latest version and see here for more info [Add-on] HassOS I2C Configurator

It is now!

It’s disabled by default.

I’m pretty proud of how it was made using no external apks, only netcat

   case $level in
    reqBody='{"state": "'${percent}'", "attributes": { "unit_of_measurement": "%", "icon": "'${icon}'", "mode": "'${mode}'", "fan level": "'${level}'", "friendly_name": "Argon Fan Speed"}}'
    nc -i 1 hassio 80 <<<unix2dos<<EOF
POST /homeassistant/api/states/sensor.argon_one_addon_fan_speed HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer ${SUPERVISOR_TOKEN}
Content-Length: $( echo -n ${reqBody} | wc -c )


Yes, it it here!

Thank you very much!

Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-12 um 08.09.25

Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-12 um 08.11.06

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Thanks allot for this, works perfect! Just a quick question, i’m going to migrate from sdcard to external SSD drive, do i need to run the I2C configurator again? Going to use the same RPI just instead of sdcard a ssd drive. Thx

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Thanks. Yes you will need to enable i2c again unless you have a way to directly copy the data.

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Thanks! Just migrated from sdcard to SSD drive and running the ArgonOne Active Cooling add-on 0.15 but i no longer see the option to activate the fan entity sensor? I also don’t see a available update.

Edit: Reinstalled the add on but still same problem.

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I have here version 0.17a and that shows the option.


Reload your addon store image

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Oh didn’t know that, have the option back! Thanks again for the time you spend making this available for us!

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The icon changes between modes off, 1, 2, and 3. In the bottom right of the icon you will see the current status

Level 1


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Hello there! I’m really new in the hassio world, and I really love you work, its awesome really!

So I’m facing an issue and perhaps you can help me, every time I reboot the system, the sensor get “lost” and I have to rebuild your plugin to get it again, you know as new owner I’m rebooting a lot…

  • Home assistant IO
  • Argon One Pi4v2
  • PI 4 v2 8g
  • SSD 64 A2
  • HassOS I2C Configurator (I did the configuration manually but did not work!)

I think this is my first post, so If you need more info, just let me know.
PD: I don’t see anything in the logs…

Have the same problem after a reboot, just restart the addon and it’s back to normal.

@anon36468094 @Curros, give it some times. I’m running the exact same setup as you @Curros. The sensor is removed from HA on reboot because it doesn’t have an appropriate database entity ID. But it will come back, along with all data, after the first update. You may need to refresh your page to see it.

This sensor is simply an API call. A normal sensor will have a recognizable ID associated with an integration. Because there is no Integration here, there is no entity upon initialization until it is updated. Once it is updated, the sensor will return. Updating requires about 5-10 seconds after the addon starts and the fan value is changed.

If this is enough of a problem, then I can update as ‘off’ upon startup. Let me know if you want this feature by putting a heart on this post. I don’t have this problem because I keep my temps low. image


Doing some more test, I did a reboot and after 30 min more-less the error keep showing, is true that my PI is very cold normally, and the fan is always OFF…

PD: Really thanks for the quick reply, and the interest to have it solved.

Fixed. Go ahead and do the update. Instead of starting at level 0, it starts at level -1, and is forced into 0 on the first temperature reading, thus updating the sensor.

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