Argon One in Home Assistant

Cannot find this add-on for Argon One in Home Assistant
It enables and automates the Argon One Active Cooling System
with your specifications.
It smoothly increases the fan speed based on the temperature.
How do I install this and start it up
Regards Peter

You don’t control the Argon One from within HA. Once you’ve installed the scripts, you control by command line - I think (but am not sure) that it my have its own webpage for control as well.

I assume you are looking for this one?

Oh, didn’t realise there was an add-on. Sorry, I’m running HA container in docker.

Yep. There is. But honestly I’m running mine hard enough to just turn on the fan and leave it running and haven’t bothered setting it up. Looks like it also requires an i2c setup. I’m not going through all that trouble. I’ll buy a new fan when this one burns out.

Deze add-ons geinstalleerd image

Geinstalleerd maar hoe zet je de ventilator aan?

Installed but how do you turn on the fan?

How is the command for this line in HA : > curl | bashHome Assistant Command Line