Ariston Group integration via eBusd

OK, Ebusd is not able to communicate with the adapter:

  • check if the adapter IP is right (from ssh shell: telnet ADAPTER_IP 5555 should give you some basic info)
  • check if the ebusd settings are right , the device definition in recent ebusd version is tricky, try these 3 possibilities

3333 is the port for Kucera’s adapter, or 9999 for John’s “original” one

I use Kucera’s adapter, and the IP address is correct. I can telnet to that address and see some binary data comming.

I tried to change some configuration in ebusd but still not able to run it.
Today I have this error:

s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started

ebusd --foreground --mqtthost=core-mosquitto --mqttport=1883 --mqttuser=addons --mqttpass=fahS6dahwiL1eex2Dorahtha1pooshiek9EPae4zohf5EiC3FieGeiNgae8Tuuni --scanconfig --mqttjson --configpath=/config/ --latency=10 --pollinterval=5 --mqttint=/config/ebusd/mqtt-hassio.cfg --mqtttopic=ebusd --device=ens: --log=all:notice
2024-10-04 09:16:12.105 [main notice] ebusd 23.2.p20230716 started with auto scan on device:, enhanced
2024-10-04 09:16:12.106 [main error] error reading config files from /config/: ERR: element not found, last error: ariston.csv:23: ERR: element not found, field type ONOFF in field 0
2024-10-04 09:16:12.221 [bus notice] device status: resetting
2024-10-04 09:16:12.221 [bus notice] bus started with own address 31/36
2024-10-04 09:16:12.247 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.247 [bus error] device status: unexpected available enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.344 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.344 [bus notice] signal acquired
2024-10-04 09:16:12.356 [bus error] device status: missing enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.400 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.400 [bus error] device status: unexpected available enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.415 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.436 [bus error] device status: unexpected available enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.471 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.502 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.518 [bus error] device status: missing enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.535 [bus error] device status: missing enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.554 [bus error] device status: unexpected available enhanced following byte 1
2024-10-04 09:16:12.556 [bus error] device status: missing enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.569 [bus error] device status: missing enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.602 [bus error] device status: unexpected available enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.619 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.633 [bus error] device status: missing enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.668 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced command 0x06
2024-10-04 09:16:12.705 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.722 [mqtt notice] connection established
2024-10-04 09:16:12.736 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.755 [bus error] device status: missing enhanced byte 2
2024-10-04 09:16:12.767 [bus notice] device status: reset
2024-10-04 09:16:12.818 [bus notice] device status: reset

Have you tried all 3 device definition lines that I suggested?

Yes, I didn’t see any difference. Is there something that I need to edit in ariston.csv or in mqtt-hassio.cfg file?

No.As fae as I can tell it’s an ebusd <—> adapter communication issue. You should ask for support on the GitHub repo of Daniel kucera firmware or on John ebusd repo. I’d start with te first.

i installed this: EBUS to WiFi Adapter Module V6.3
then i installed ebusd in my HASSIO as an add-on.
i created a folder in /config/ebusd/ and pasted the 2 files mqtt-hassio.cfg and ariston.csv.
then i tried to configure ebusd but it gives me errors in the log

Don’t have HAOS so not an expert on add-on config

From Daniel’s repo it seems you need to use 3335 port to use enhanced protocol:

* the adapter listens on following TCP ports (latest SW):
  * 3333 - raw - on this port you can both read and write to the eBus - ebusd config: `-d esp-ebus.local:3333`
  * 3334 - listen only port - everything sent to this port will be discarded and not sent to bus
  * 3335 - [enhanced protocol]( - ebusd config: `-d enh:esp-ebus.local:3335`
  * 5555 - status server - you can telnet to this port (or [http://esp-ebus.local:5555](http://esp-ebus.local:5555/)) to see some basic status info


It may helps also you @dcigir

I left the adapter connected, and I noticed that my genius boiler restarts every now and then :sob: :sob:

yess, with 3335 work

and now? How can I see the boiler entities in hassio?

2024-10-19 16:55:03.178 [main error] error reading config files from /config/ebusd/: ERR: element not found, last error: ariston.csv:23: ERR: element not found, field type ONOFF in field 0

You probably need to add power to the adapter via USB . The power draw from the adapter on your bus is too high and every now and then the boiler “reboot” (in truth it’s not rebooting but doing a bus scan since it lost connection with some device on the bus).

I think ebusd is not finding the configuration files. I don’t have that addon so can’t really help there.

Try to check if inside the container the files are present and if the folder in which the files are is “mounted” correctly inside the addon container

I have not a container. But addon home assistant.

The addon, underneath, it’s a container. Sorry but I made a mistake, it seems ebusd is indeed able to find the ariston.csv file, but it’s missing the _templates.csv file.
In the config directory you must place 3 files

ariston.csv → message decoding file
_templates.csv → templates for the most common data types (as ONOFF)
mqtt-hassio.cfg → HA discovery setup

it works!!!
_template was missing

I need 2 value

  1. input select: Ariston Hybrid mode
    Screenshot 2024-10-20 alle 19.24.28
    this screen is ariston integration (when the APIs work for a few seconds)

  2. input setpoint of zone1
    with ebusd I view sensor but not input number

I’ve not implemented any multiple choice settings change helper/function in HA as I don’t change these parameters “on the fly”. I set these via Sensys once then leave them as they are.

Adding here also an hint: changing frequently values via automation is “cool” but remember that the EnergyManager already does an excellent job in automating the heating functioning, I tend to configure the system once and then leave it to decide which device to use based on utilities prices and PV output (via the PV integration switch on the hybrid module)

Having said that you can probably use an helper and create an automation that send MQTT messages unpo change of the value. Tested it now and it works

Payload Values:

0 = auto
1 = boiler_only
2 = hp_only

for the reading of the value from ebusd you should use another automation that upon receiving the values set the helper accordingly.

OK, just for fun I tried to simplify the setting for the Hybrid mode command, it seems a simple MQTT select does indeed works.
Just add this snippet to your HA configuration.yaml

Similar MQTT select can be defined for othe options

  - select:
      name: "Hybrid Heating Mode"
      object_id: hybrid_mode_mqtt1
      unique_id: hybrid_mode_mqtt
        - "Auto"
        - "Boiler Only"
        - "HP Only"
      state_topic: "ebusd/energymgr/hybrid_mode"
      value_template: >
        {% if value_json['0'].value ==  "auto" %} Auto 
        {% elif value_json['0'].value == "boiler_only" %} Boiler Only  
        {% elif value_json['0'].value == "hp_only" %} HP Only 
        {% endif %}
      command_topic: "ebusd/energymgr/hybrid_mode/set"
      command_template: >
        {% if value == "Auto" %} 
        {% elif value == "Boiler Only" %} 
        {% elif value == "HP Only" %} 
        {% endif %}

Thanks. I try tomorrow

But now my app Ariston saw to my boiler is off😱 but not real

Thanks for your work @wrongisthenwright :heart: I tried it on my Nimbus Pocket M Net R32 and I get some data but not all:

I have some software engineering/debugging skills, but I’m new to this… could you give me any hints about how to debug this and even look for new commands/data I could include in the csv? :flushed:

it may depends on your HVAC system configuration, my CSV sometimes needs to be adapted to specific configuration.
Cna you share the output of ebusctl info command? If you’re on HAOS then the command mus be run inside the ebusd addon/container.

Another explanation can be that some parameters are not sent on the bus by the system, thus you need either to:

  • change CSV configuration to explicitly request the reading (adding a priority number beside the initial “r” on the line eg
    r,energymgr,z1_heat_request,Z1 Heating Request,,18,2000,0191,,s,IGN:1,,,,,s,onoff
    should became
    r2,energymgr,z1_heat_request,Z1 Heating Request,,18,2000,0191,,s,IGN:1,,,,,s,onoff
    beware that having many direct read in your CSV can lead to hig traffic on the bus and so random problems.

  • execute a cron script that does the ebusctl read operatoin every X hours (for the less frequently changed parameters).