Arlo: replacement pyarlo module

What is model number of those cameras?

And it could be a reason, I’ll change some settings on my system and try it tonight.

I pulled the latest and that works. Thanks you for your outstanding work.

It’s these ones:


I’m running I copied the files over to the config dir via samba. I’m new to HA so can someone outline the detailed next steps for installing this custom module? Thx. in advance.

hi John,

I’ve just figured out how to do this myself so will do a step by step for anyone else on how to do it manually. I did this on a PI with installed.
step 1. download the files (zip) from Sherrell github
step 2. Extract from zip file
step 3. Within the config folder (directory) either using samba or a GUI file transfer (i used file zilla on my mac) create a new folder (directory) and call it custom_components
step 4. Add the entire aarlo folder from the zip into this new folder you created (custom_components)
step 5. Copy the www folder into the config folder (directory) e.g. where your configuration.yaml file sits
step 6. Either add the aarlo code into your configuration.yaml file or if like me had already integrated the arlo one then just change the name to aarlo & add the new fields that Steve has shown
step 7. Save configuration.yaml file
step 8. Sse the check config button in the “general” screen of the configuration tab on the left menu on the HA UI screen. If green go to step 9 if not fix issues
step 9. In same general tab restart HA
step 10. The new aarlo parts should appear on your overview page and should see a snapshot of your cameras on there too.

Hope this helps and isn’t too confusing to follow. BIG BIG BIG thanks to @sherrell for all his help on this tonight it’s much appreciated!

i dont mean to be a dick or anything, but everything is in the readme on git:

Yeh but for a newbie like me who’s never dabbled in this before it took me a while to understand the terminology, etc so thought i’d try and explain it a bit more.

ok. because its more or less ctrl c ctrl v from the git readme…

Thanks guys for the guidance and patience in answering my question. Since I’m a newbie, the following lines in the readme tripped me up:

"### Script
Run the install script. Run it once to make sure the operations look sane and run it a second time with the go paramater to do the actual work. If you update just rerun the script, it will overwrite all installed files.

*sh*** ***install /config*** ***# check output looks good*** ***install go /config"*** **
Richard - I followed your guide and I’m up and running. Thx!

Big thanks to @sherrell (and anyone else) for your hard work.

Thanks so much @sherrell for the great work. This component is awesome and fixed almost all the issues I was having with my Arlo cameras. Top job!

  1. I have a total of 7 cameras (4 Arlo Pro and 3 Arlo Q). The Arlo Q cameras don’t have entities for the audio binary sensors. Is this normal behaviour? When I use the “show -> audio” parameter in the aarlo-glance card I see the icon for audio but it doesn’t seem to do anything, unlike the motion binary sensor which exists as an entity and also works when I use “show -> motion”.

  2. My other question is about adding other entities to the aarlo-glance card. I understand this is based on picture-glance. I would like to know how (if possible) to add items like light entities to the aarlo-glance card to toggle lights relevant to each camera. I was doing this using the “entities” parameter in the normal picture-glance card but this doesn’t seem to do anything in aarlo-glance. I assumed that if aarlo-glance extends picture-glance I would be able to do this (or maybe my syntax is incorrect based on how aarlo-glance is structured)


@mkhattab Hi, Glad it’s working (mostly!) for you!

  1. Do you have sound enabled in the binary_sensor configuration? Something like:
  - platform: aarlo
    - motion
    - sound
  1. It’s based on picture-glance in the fact I liked that idea for a card but it’s coded from the ground up because I wanted to make the recording library streaming more integral. I plan to add custom elements to the card but I haven’t had chance to do it yet. I’ve been concentrating on the backend so I can push the component into the official repository.

Yes sound is enabled along with motion. It [sound] is working for my Arlo Pro cameras but not the Q cameras


I know what the issue is. I’ll check in a fix later tonight.

@sherrell Thanks mate, you’re a star

@mkhattab Can you pull the latest changes and try again?

I’ll try that shortly and let you know. Cheers

@sherrell The latest commit fixed the problem and I now have sound entities for all my cameras. Thank you so so much for the fantastic effort on this!

This may be a total red herring but I’ve been having problems with my Arlo cameras for a while. Every few days or so the base station dies, refuses to report its mode, no cameras record anything, doorbell and chime are dead. If I power cycle the base station, it comes back but I have to physically re-sync the doorbell by pushing its button.

It only started happening when I upgraded my setup recently: adding a doorbell, chime and third camera… and moving to the HA aarlo module.

I suspect the problem is the doorbell (because from memory it happened once or twice before I switched from the default Arlo HA integration to this one), but I wanted to ask if anyone here had seen anything similar.

Hi! I have a couple of doorbells and chimes and I’ve not seen any errors with Aarlo although I swear I had to resync a doorbell once, but I could be wrong.

Any chance you got some logs around the time this happened? I’m looking for error messages or disconnects or general https errors. If your not sure about any of the errors feel free to send me a private message with them.

Hi, thanks for the offer to help!

I’m doing some slow debugging at the moment. Because I don’t have a fast way to reproduce I’m having to roll back my setup one step at a time and see if the problem goes away. So far:

  • full reset and new setup of each component
  • replace doorbell with a new one (amazon kindly swapped)
  • disable all HA/aarlo integration

Problem had come back after each.

I’m currently trying to remove the chime from Arlo. So far so good but it’s only been 8 hours. Next is the door bell itself.