Arm/disarm Xiaomi Gateway alarm

Same for me, and also the armed home doesn’t work well.
Good arm_away, it works.

Same for me.

The point is the intrusion event is not being registered by HA, neither its Logbook. If you go to your logbook and filter by Gateway Alarm you can see lots of arm/disarm events (well… I suppose you are using it daily). But when you break-in home and alarm goes off, that event is not registered ever.
It’s a pity, because I need this event to send notifications to my cell phone.

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I guess you can create an automation based on the set of sensors that trigger the actual alarm. Put a condition that notifications are only sent if you are in “armed” mode.

Can someone explain to be me how to use it? I don’t see any devices in my integration, apart from the gateway lights and illumination sensor.

I see now. You have to use Xiaomi Miio integration as well.

How to add alarm, i dont see it in entitis
I have Xiaomi aqara and Miio integration install