Assistance with Rest sensor configuration for Fireboard temperature controller

I’m trying to get a rest sensor configured for my Fireboard temperature controller.

Using curl, this is the needed syntax:

curl “” -H “Authorization: Token 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7”

Here’s how I have it setup in Home Assistant:

- platform: rest
  name: list fireboard temperatures
  payload: '"Authorization: Token 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7"'
    - channel
    - temp

I’m getting this message in Home Assistant:
“{“detail”:“Authentication credentials were not provided.”}”

I’m sure I formatted something wrong. Any help would be appreciated.


You’ll need to pass the authorization in the headers instead of payload

I manged to get rest sensor working like this:

  - platform: rest
    name: fireboard temperatures
      Authorization: Token exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    scan_interval: 30  
      - channel
      - temp

So I got this in Home assistant sensor

What is the best way to get proper sensor output from this?
Also not sure if scan_interval: 30 is the correct way to limit queries from api. Fireboard api limit is 200 per hour.

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@Routout have you had any luck with getting this to work?

Yes I got it working. But after some update for HA it stopped working and I removed integration after that. I can not remember anymore what was the reason of the breakage.
EDIT: If I remember correctley there was some changes to Rest API on HA.

I have made a Python Script to get all values I need and it populates sensors. I use config-template-card with apexcharts-card to graph the values. If someone are interested I can make the script more dynamic and share everything with you?

This is an early cook, that is why it looks funny. It is on right now, so I can update how it looks when it has been cooking for a while.



This looks great, would love if you shared.

I’d love to have this as well. Looks great!

Add me to the list. I’d love to see the config.

Looking to do something similar. @Staffan_Spjuth, was this ever made available?

Any change you can share your solution? Thank you

Can you provide the script? Thanks!

I’m also interested in that script. Is there a chance you can share it?