ASUS WRT Device Tracking Issues - dnsmasq been replaced with udhcpd

Hi, Kem
thanks for your reply.
Just double checked it is enabled.

ok it happen to me i was about to give up wen i find out im sorry i can’t be more helpful im new to all this

Hi There

Yes you will need to enable Telnet on the router, its found in the “Administration” menu as a Enable Telnet tickbox.

Also your configuration file information had some issues with it such as :

platform: asuswrt
host: 192.168.*****
username: ‘admin’ * Needs inverted commas around text
password: ‘*******’ * Needs inverted commas around text
protocol: telnet * Protocol misspelt, and only need it once
mode: router
track_new_devices: yes
interval_seconds: 61
consider_home: 180

yes my configuration is working everthing is good thanks

Thank you both Kem and Craigcarps
I just changed those errors. But the router log still shows “Login attempt for nonexistent user from”.
this is my router setting.

Maybe try double checking the spelling on your username and password in the configuration.yaml file.

Everything else all looks good

I changed it (add commas) and reboot the pi. Event it still not work but the router return as bad password instead of nonexistant user

Hi, Craigcarps and Kem
Just return with you. I got it works. Even with some error on log, it is able to track devices. Just as suggest as Craigcarps.
Again. Thank you both!