Athom IR Controller AR01 to ESPHOME

Hi! My IR remote is from Panasonic AC, and it’s not on the list of ACs supported by Esphome in the Climate AC component. I have a couple of Daikin ACs, and I’ve had no problem integrating them into Home Assistant using ESPhome and the Climate AC component. I used Athom IR as a receiver and some modules from AliExpress. Now I have two Panasonic ACs that I haven’t been able to integrate into Home Assistant. In the example provided here, I don’t see where to place the obtained codes. My question is, where should I put the codes? Regarding the codes, services, etc., that are added to the API, should they be added for all AC brands, or just for Panasonic in this case? Thank you.

Try heatpumpir, panasonic is supported under it

  - platform: heatpumpir
    name: "AC"
    protocol: panasonic_ckp
    horizontal_default: middle
    vertical_default: up
    min_temperature: 20
    max_temperature: 26

Just keep trying each protocol until you get it working
panasonic_ckp, panasonic_dke, panasonic_jke, panasonic_lke, panasonic_nke,

is there an easier way to copy those long chain raw/pronto codes from the logs?

Thank you for your response. When it’s very long, you can select a part and paste it, then select the rest and paste it next to it. I’m not sure if that can help you.

Everything has gone well with that configuration:

  • platform: heatpumpir
    protocol: panasonic_nke
    horizontal_default: middle
    vertical_default: middle
    max_temperature: 30.0
    min_temperature: 16.0
    name: “salon-ir”
    transmitter_id: ir_transmitter
    supports_heat: true
    supports_cool: true

Cool and Heat.Thanks a lot.