I’ve bought a few of these smart switches and have been using them just fine for the past week. The trouble is, three of them are downstairs, on the opposite side of the house in relation to the Home Assistant device and I cannot connect to them.
I’ve tried to pair them via another such smart relay which is located half way between HA and the three – using “Add devices via this device” in HA. However, nothing happens - neither of the three remote relays appear.
So, here are my two questions:
Does anyone know if these smart switches can act as routers (I believe this is the term), i.e. to extend the Zigbee network and/or any special setting needs to be enabled for that to happen?
Unrelated to the above, none of the switches show energy consumption, even though they’ve been in use for a week. Again, should I do anything special for this type of information to appear in HA?
Zigbee was a hit and miss for me - specially the more economic devices.
You might be able to get more functions (like the power monitoring) supported with some random quirks floating around on github. And/Or using z2mqtt.
In the end I got rid of all my ZigBee (and few matter) devices because they just were the opposite easy to get up and running with all advertised functions and in general just didn’t perform stable.
Today I only have rock solid devices that are all 100% supported by HA thanks to esphome. Beside they are cheaper than ZigBee devices and don’t depend on the poor mesh but just use my present WiFi.
I don’t really want another 40 odd devices on my WiFi and having these on a Zigbee network negates most of the security concerns associated with these cheap devices.
The cheap Ikea lights appear to act as routers so these might be an option to extend the range.